Hey Friends,

This weekend we are kicking off a lot of important activities!

We have launched phone banking and text banking operations, as well as an online campaign workspace for volunteers. (You can join here if you are interested: https://join.slack.com/t/kimberlygraha-dk38815/shared_invite/zt-12nmq0koj-8LyL0j_9VIKEniIgmApDbQ)

We also are launching our "Letters to the Editor" campaign. If you live in Polk County, Iowa, it would be incredibly helpful if you would write one and submit it to your local paper. Thank you!

And - we have revised and improved our yard sign design and more yard signs are coming very soon! (Sign up via the web site if you live in Polk County, Iowa, and want one!)


All of this is possible because you financially support our campaign for a better justice system. Yard signs, literature to give voters when we knock on their doors, and text banking software all cost money. Every donation -- and we mean every donation regardless of amount - allows us to reach more voters.  Your $1 donation makes a difference.  Your $100 donation makes a difference.  Any amount is so appreciated and THANK YOU! <3


Already donated, but still want to make a difference? Pick one of these!
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Kimberly for Polk County Attorney · P.O. Box 36341 · Des Moines, IA 50315 · USA