Dear John --

We’ve seen radical, anti-choice bills passed in state legislatures across the country, and since extremist Republicans packed the Supreme Court, we can’t count on them to defend our reproductive freedoms. That means it’s more important than ever that the Senate pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. 

I introduced the WHPA to ensure that every American can receive the reproductive care they need, regardless of wealth or zip code, and I’ll keep fighting until we have a national standard to protect the right to a safe, legal abortion. 

But as anti-choice Republicans gear up to try to take back the House and the Senate, the future of our reproductive rights is more precarious than ever -- and we can't afford to lose in November.

The Supreme Court has signaled their willingness to overturn Roe v Wade, and with de-facto bans popping up around the country, we need to act now. In fact, about half of states are primed to enact abortion bans if Roe v Wade is overturnedWithout a comprehensive federal solution, these measures will disproportionately impact working people, people of color, and people who face barriers to receiving healthcare. 
