BREAKING: The Nevada GOP attempted to illegitimately cast Nevada’s 6 electoral votes for Donald Trump.
This just shows that the GOP will stop at nothing to ensure Trump stays in power and his far-right agenda is enacted.
Will you chip in to help Susie win by a big enough margin to prevent any of the Nevada GOP’s shady election tactics? →
Folks, this isn’t just undemocratic and shady – some people are already raising the question of whether this is criminal. This could be very serious.
After an election year where so many Republican officials spewed fake claims of “fraud” and “election rigging,” we find this news to be awfully ironic.
But, we can’t forget: Susie Lee is up for reelection in November and Republicans see her seat as a top target! If this race is close, they could try all sorts of games to flip this election in their favor.
We can’t let that happen. Will you chip in to make sure that Susie wins by the widest possible margin in November?
Thanks for fighting to reelect Susie.
Team Susie Lee