Enemy of the people. Enemy of truth. Enemy of freedom.
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ENEMY OF TH PEOPLE: CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, ABC, CBS, NBC completely IGNORE Johns Hopkins study finding COVID lockdowns ineffective
Enemy of the people.

Enemy of truth.

Enemy of freedom.

Related: Johns Hopkins Study: LOCKDOWNS DID NOT WORK, No Impact On Death Rate

CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo completely avoid Johns Hopkins study finding COVID lockdowns ineffective ...

Israeli Coronavirus Expert: 70-80% of Most Severe Cases Vaccinated at Least Three Times
And yet the Democrats are double down on their efforts to mandate these dangerous shots.

Israeli Coronavirus expert: 70-80% of most severe cases vaccinated at least three times

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz | Israel 365 | Feb 4, 2022 | ...

Man who drew Union Station swastikas is twice-deported career criminal
Importing Nazis – or in other words – Democrat voters.

The swastikas all over the entrance to Union Station in DC. Almost every column:

A man arrested for vandalizing Washington's Union Station with swastikas is a Mexican national in ...

RNC censures TRAITOROUS RINO Reps. Cheney, Kinzinger over betrayal
It wasn't just January 6th, these in-house enemies aid and abet the radical communist cause. Censure is not enough! Primary the RINOs that stood with these craven quislings.

Primary @DanCrenshawTX https://t.co/Z4t5JufsFh

— The Columbia ...

Here’s How Democrats Plan to ‘Rig’ the 2022 Election to Keep Democrats in Majority and Pelosi Speaker
You didn't think the totalitarians would go quietly, did you? These criminals take no prisoners. Read your history…….

New York's new congressional map includes a district that unites the Niagara region with the Thousand Islands region, one ...

APPALLING LIAR: FBI Director Claims Jan. 6 Protesters Have Been Treated No Different by Agency Than ANTIFA and BLM
The Democrats are taking a page from the Nazi playbook.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. …It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress ...

Sleazy Susan Sarandon Attacks Mourning NYPD Officers as Fascists During Funeral for Murdered Cop Jason Rivera
Another vile Hollywood has been saying the most vicious and disgusting things about regular Americans. All to reclaim the attention they lost when their careers sank. Of the growing group of Leftist has been actors who engage in political ...

WATCH! Communist Chinese Agents Pull Reporter Away on Live TV in Beijing
Meanwhile, Video: Pelosi Tells U.S. Olympic Athletes to Be Nice to China

BREAKING: CCP agents pull Dutch reporter away on live TV in Beijing pic.twitter.com/A30eoElIll

— Truckistan Amb. Poso (@JackPosobiec) February 4, 2022

Look ...

Video: Pelosi Tells U.S. Olympic Athletes to Be Nice to China
Pelosi told them “You’re there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government” (Twitter).  More on the context (Daily Caller). From Congressman Gary Palmer: Speaker Pelosi called the Chinese government “ruthless” ...

Biden says Qatar to become non-NATO ally
Now if President Trump was still in office, he would have conditioned such an agreement on Qatar normalizing relations with Israel. And President Trump would have also insisted that Qatar stop funding Hamas. That's how deal making works. This ...

New leader of Germany’s Green Party said parts of Sharia law are compatible with country’s constitution
Who didn't see this coming? For anyone still scratching their heads over how the left could support the most misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic system of governance on the face of the earth, it's quite simple. For the left it is all about ...

MORE Trump Peace: Israel Defense Minister lands in Bahrain for whirlwind visit
Once again, Trump peace. Imagine what the Middle East would look like today if President Trump remained in office.

Another historic milestone for peace!

The #AbrahamAccords proved that peace and prosperity can be achieved by engaging with ...

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