You're invited to our 2022 Critical Resistance Community Reportback!
You're invited to CR's Community Reportback!
+ Sign Petition to Free Leonard Peltier NOW
+ Atlanta Event for Issue 36 of The Abolitionist
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Critical Resistance's 2021 Community Reportback
Celebrating Our 2021 Advances,
Grounding in 2022 Toward More Wins
** Calling all Critical Resistance supporters, volunteers, and donors!
Are you curious about the abolitionist strides that your contributions of labor and resources helped Critical Resistance (CR) achieve in 2021? Want a clear grounding in our current campaigns, projects, and tools, so you can plug yourself and your networks in to prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition even more deeply in 2022? Join us for the Community Reportback!
When: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
4-5:30 PM PST / 7-8:30 PM EST
Where: Online
What you'll find at the Community Reportback:
* Speakers from our Portland and California chapters
* Realtime reportbacks on the Write Them All and California Prison Closure Campaigns
* Details on our Top Ten new tools and materials from 2021
* Calls to action and opportunities to support PIC abolition in 2022
* Opportunities to ask & answer questions about our work, and connect with our members and staff organizers
* Space for celebration, music, and joyfully grounding in our abolitionist fight for 2022
** We can't wait to share this space with you —please join us!
RSVP here ([link removed])
Not yet a donor or a volunteer and curious how to plug in? This intimate, interactive space is perfect for learning more about where your energies and resources can most strategically support our work!
Want to share with people why CR matters to you, and build our network of CR supporters? Forward this email and invite a comrade. Together we are building people power!
Accessibility information:
**Please email Shirley at ( as early as possible if you will need ASL, Spanish, or other translation; or other access needs.
Zoom-generated closed captioning will be provided.**
** More Announcements
Free Leonard Peltier, Free 'Em All!: Demand Peltier's Release NOW!
On January 28, Leonard Peltier tested positive for COVID-19. Leonard’s life is in danger due to his age, health conditions, and have been caged for the last 46 years.
Leonard's supporters and family urgently ask you to sign this petition ([link removed]) calling for his immediate transfer to a medical hospital properly equipped for COVID treatment. We also call on President Biden to grant Leonard Peltier clemency immediately.
Learn more about Leonard's case and actions to free him here ([link removed]) .
Out of Cages Toward Liberation: Atlanta Launch Event for Issue 36 of The Abolitionist Newspaper!
If you're in Atlanta, join Critical Resistance, Project South ([link removed]) , ATL Radical Art Collective ([link removed]) , and Charis Books ([link removed]) for a virtual community event on art and Southern abolitionist organizing against the prison industrial complex, Wednesday, February 9. Register here. ([link removed])
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Liberation is Essential: Critical Resistance has worked together with Human Impact Partners ([link removed]) to produce a resource filled with recommendations for abolitionist interventions that can be made to public health systems and practices. Check out the resource here ([link removed]) .
Critical Resistance is majority grassroots-funded. Donate today!
#SustainCR with monthly donations or a one-time gift. ([link removed])
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Mural by Leslie “Dime” Lopez at 4400 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA, 2019.
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