Green Party Louisiana

Dear Friend --

For the last several years, the Green Party of Louisiana has been using the Nation Builder platform to handle our website hosting and communication. When we send out an email blast, (you're reading one now!) that's managed through Nation Builder.

The rates are reasonable, but it ain't free, folks. The first couple years were underwritten by a generous donor from the New Orleans area. Last year I absorbed most of the cost myself. This year I paid the bill in full — but I could use a little help.

If we spread the cost around, it's not so much. Why, if a dozen people threw down just twenty bucks each, we'd be covered for another year! So that's what this campaign is about: just raising enough to reimburse me for the annual subscription to Nation Builder, which at our level is $226.

I hasten to add that our real limiting factor is volunteer hours. If you can donate your time, please, keep your money! I'd gladly forego repayment if we could just get a few more people doing the work to grow the party. If you're in the New Orleans area, you might want to come to our next meeting; otherwise, hit me back via return email and we'll figure something out.

But most Greens I know are already stretched thin and overcommitted to a dozen decent causes. So if you can make a financial contribution in lieu of volunteer hours, that's good too.

[ [ [ Donate ] ] ]

Bart Everson

on behalf of

Green Party of Louisiana

Green Party Louisiana · LA, United States
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Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.