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Dear John,
Women Winning’s mission is to recruit, train, and elect pro-choice women to office. And that is rooted in electing leaders to office who represent their communities — and who will create more equitable policies. We are committed to the work of electing a government where people can see themselves reflected — this means working to elect Black and Brown women, Indigenous women, Latina women, Asian women, LGBTQ+ women.
Amir Locke should still be alive today. We hurt alongside the communities who continue to experience trauma after trauma, as we collectively continue to fail to address the systemic inequalities in place.
Our work in 2022 is our most important work yet. We cannot protect abortion rights and reproductive justice without dismantling white supremacy.
The fight for reproductive justice is one that can only happen when we fight for justice in our communities. Abortion bans disproportionately impact Black, Brown, and Indigenous women. When we fight to protect abortion, we must also fight for equitable policies that protect the lives and humanity of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
There is not a Black woman in the Minnesota Senate. The 2022 Midterm Election is our opportunity to change that and to start to see equitable representation at the Minnesota Capitol.
This year every single seat in the Minnesota legislature is up for election because of redistricting — a process that has historically taken power away from communities of color. In 2022, we are focused on making sure pro-choice women have the support they need to run for office, no matter how the lines are drawn.
This is the work ahead of us. We are proud to partner with each and every one of you as we move forward.
In community,
Team Women Winning
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Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States
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