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Dear John,

In the fall, NeW at the University of Florida welcomed Isabel Brown, author of Frontlines: Finding my Voice on an American College Campus, to speak on campus to our chapter.

Women gathered to hear from Brown about what it means to be a bold conservative woman in today’s society. Brown discussed the true meaning of feminism and how the attack on women has only gotten stronger over the past couple of years. Brown also debunked the claim that women need the government to succeed. 

After her presentation, members asked about her personal experiences in college being a conservative pursuing a major in STEM. Students also asked for advice on how to respond to various arguments and debates that they have had on campus or in the classroom.

“Caught in the wake of leftist ideals promoted by professors and students on campus, as young conservative women we can become uninspired and afraid to promote our values in a world of violent political division. I was feeling this way until I got to hear Isabel Brown speak on campus, and she rekindled the fire within me to continue speaking the truth and sharing my values despite the backlash many of us conservatives receive on campus,” Emily Sturge, a chapter member, said. 

Sturge also expressed her gratitude for Brown speaking on the topic of Second Amendment rights and female empowerment in traditional family settings.

“A powerful nation is a collection of millions of well-built families, and the role of a strong mother in the home is essential for the well-being of our nation. This is what true female empowerment looks like, not just being a CEO or working nine to five,” Sturge shared. 

The night ended with a meet-and-greet session with Brown, during which students were able to take pictures with her and get to know her on a more personal level.

My chapter members and I look forward to hosting more empowering events like this on campus. 

Ophelie Jacobson
President of NeW at the University of Florida

Spring Book Club

We are excited to announce our Spring Book Club selection, Lady in Red: An Intimate Portrait of Nancy Reagan, by Sheila Tate, former Press Secretary for First Lady Nancy Reagan. 

Lady in Red is a collection of behind-the-scenes stories and iconic images of one of the most influential First Ladies in modern history. The book provides a rare and much-anticipated look into the personal life of the president's wife, from her daily routines and travels as First Lady to her friendships and deep influence in the Reagan White House.

Beginning March 7, we will be reading the book as a network. On Tuesday, March 29 at 7pm ET, we will be joined by Sheila Tate for our book club discussion to hear more about her work for Nancy Reagan.

Register Now
The first 10 NeW National members who register will receive a free signed copy of the book. Want to become a member? Sign up today.
NeW on Campus
NeW at the University of Vermont hosted Andres Guilarte, Outreach Fellow and Research Associate at The Fund for American Studies, on December 6 for a conversation on “The Fall of Venezuela: An Eyewitness Testimony to the Country’s Collapse."
Before Christmas break, on December 2, NeW at Oakland University made cards for patients at a local children’s hospital and decorated Gingerbread Houses.
NeW at Boston College hosted their inaugural Mr. Conservative event on January 29 to celebrate The Gentlemen Showcase on campus. Contestants answered questions on what it means to be a gentleman and ended the night with a group performance of an Irish ballad.
NeW at American University hosted a virtual Gentlemen Showcase this year on Instagram. Their nine contestants recorded a series of videos answering four prompts, such as who is your female role model and how do you uplift conservative women. Voting took place online, and the winner was nominated for NeW National’s Gentlemen Showcase.
NeW is Hiring

NeW is looking to add a Communications Coordinator or Manager to our communications team. In this position, you will have the opportunity to grow NeW through digital marketing and media relations alongside an experienced team and work with top conservative female leaders around the country.

This person will be responsible for growing NeW’s online presence and building NeW’s brand through drafting a variety of materials for different audiences including social media content, graphics, published materials such as flyers and brochures, e-newsletters, swag, and reports. They will also provide materials and trainings for chapters and manage NeW’s website to keep the content up-to-date, informing visitors of our current work.

This communications role will work with the communications team in growing NeW’s brand and setting NeW up as the “go to” source for the perspective of conservative young women. They will be responsible for proactive and reactive media activities, including pitching and securing media exposure for NeW. Working with students and young professionals in the organization to edit and publish their writings as well as prepare for media interviews will also be key in this position.

If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in joining our team, find out more about the job here.

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