We were wondering if you'd checked your mailbox recently.

Dear John,


Big news – your ballot to vote on our new Tentative Agreement with the USPS is on its way!


If you have not already received it yet, you should find both your ballot and your ratification packet in the mail soon.


Your vote is important, John.


This contract contains strong pay increases, important job security protections, conversion for PSE’s in level 20 offices and above after 24 months, and many other wins that will improve the lives of postal workers across the country. The National Negotiating Committee urges you to vote “YES!”, to lock in these important gains and send a strong message to the USPS that we as a union stand united behind this contract.


Ballots must be filled out, mailed, and received by the American Arbitration Association no later than 9AM EST, February 23rd 2022.


If you are excited to vote “YES!” on this strong new contract, let your APWU family know! Post a photo or video on social media with the hashtag #APWUnited. You can find tips and printable signs at apwu.org/get-out-vote.


For up-to-date information on the Tentative Agreement and the voting process, you can always visit apwu.org/ratification.


Thank you for all that you do.


In solidarity,

The American Postal Workers Union

1300 L Street NW, Washington, DC xxxxxx | www.apwu.org