People across the world are finally standing up and fighting back.
In protest of a vaccine mandate imposed on unvaccinated truckers in Canada, the ‘Freedom Convoy’ was formed. Truckers are driving cross-country to protest the authoritarian edicts.
People have realized if they don’t speak up and demand their freedoms, these tyrants will never give back the power they have seized.
I can tell you this: we stand with freedom fighters everywhere.
I am inspired by those who join me in defending their God-given freedom and liberty.
As we see people waking up – leaders are responding. Countries in Europe and around the world have started removing their remaining COVID restrictions. Yet, American cities and states run by hypocritical Democrats seem to be going backwards.
For its part, the corrupt corporate press in America has resorted to smearing the truckers, calling them a cult. As a mouthpiece of Democratic ideology, the corporate press will attack anyone who refuses to bend the knee to Democrats’ oppressive COVID fear agenda.
Florida has been standing strong from day one. We didn’t cave to the pressure from the corporate press, and we’ve rejected the oppressive policies that have done nothing to combat the virus and left a trail of destruction.
We’re never backing down, and we’ll always be there to support all those around the world in pursuit of the same freedoms we have in Florida.