The Denver Post: This is why I’m suing the federal government over the minimum wage hike


Duke Bradford founded Arkansas River Adventures in Colorado in 1998, and in the quarter-century since, his experienced wilderness guides have led guests in adventure tours such as rafting, fishing, and zip lining.

Now, however, his small business is threatened by President Biden’s minimum wage directive, which makes no sense for outfitters and would crush the outdoor adventure industry.

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The Dispatch: The end of affirmative action?


When the Supreme Court upheld the use of racial preferences in college admissions in 2003, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor made this prediction: “We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.”

As Wencong Fa writes, the Court’s upcoming caseload could end the discriminatory policy even sooner.

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Tenured professor sues San Jose State University officials for stifling free speech and blocking research


San Jose State University anthropology professor Elizabeth Weiss has expressed controversial views about Native American repatriation for years without criticism.

But the 2020 release of her book, Repatriation and Erasing the Past, prompted a university-led campaign to label Dr. Weiss as racist and shut down her views. The university even revoked her access to a research-critical skeletal collection over a Twitter photo.

The university cannot silence her speech just because they disagree with her viewpoint. So Dr. Weiss is fighting back.

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