Weekly Reads
"Transformations in how we work could have major implications for philanthropy and civil society. In the short term, it may bring new opportunities to draw on a wider pool of talent, as traditional geographic barriers are removed. It will also bring new challenges, as organizations have to adapt to the practicalities of distributed ways of working. Longer term, there is also likely to be an erosion of the boundaries of organizational identity, as remote working makes us more accustomed to working across networks and outside of the traditional siloes of individual institutions." [more]
Rhodri Davies, Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent, for Alliance
For its Moving Philanthropy Forward in 2022 report, Submittable interviewed 10 thought leaders—Carrie Avery, Lucy Bernholz, David Callahan, Jim Fruchterman, Chris Hobbs, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, Lori Pourier, Brenda Solorzano, Marcella Tillett, and Amy Sample Ward—to explore what they think will be the top trends that will shape philanthropy in 2022. More than a forecast for the field, this report offers insights on how to take actions that result in solutions that can move the sector forward.
"[T]his report shares just one of the many ways Surdna is learning from and with our grantee partners as part of a larger learning initiative across the Foundation. As we build our learning system, our goals are to continually improve our practices and make grantmaking practices more accessible and equitable. To that end, we hope this report is a resource for others interested in jointly developing shared learning systems and data that benefit grantees and funders." [more]
Measuring Together: A Learning Approach for Inclusive Economies