The old and the young must join forces for the good of the country. Experience and energy, the Boomers and the Based, must stand together in defense of freedom and against our degenerate ruling class.
On Tuesday, January 24, as the press was customarily being shouted at and physically coerced to leave a room at the White House, one exchange generated headlines because of the president’s departure from all pretense of decorum.
Post-Patriotic America Will Be Worse Than You Think
Jeremy S. Adams
As a high school and university civics teacher for 24 years, I am rarely at a loss for words. But today, some of the things my students utter leave me more than a little intrigued.
Jordan Peterson announces his resignation, and Justice Breyer’s retirement is leaked. The reverse renaissance in the West accelerates with deadly speed with the destruction of merit, high art and the celebration of deceitful propaganda. Will the ruthless and world historic Lady MacBeth finally will her way to power?