I’m reaching out to ask you to support my friend Senator Patty Murray.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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Friends -

I’m reaching out to ask you to support my friend Senator Patty Murray. She is a progressive champion and the leader of the pro-choice movement in the Senate.

The fight for reproductive freedom has never been more important. Abortion rights are on the line this year, and Republicans in the House and Senate are hoping the Supreme Court with its new extreme conservative majority will gut Roe v. Wade.

As the Chairwoman of the Senate’s Health Committee, Patty Murray is on the front lines of trying to pass legislation that would ensure access to abortions for women across the country. She’s also up for re-election this year at a moment when we cannot afford to lose a single seat.

She’s someone we need in the Senate if there’s any hope of protecting the constitutional right to reproductive health care. Patty Murray is the kind of progressive leader who deserves our support, so I’m asking:

Will you split a donation between Patty Murray’s re-election and my campaign today? Every donation will help us demonstrate clearly that people want abortion rights codified into law.

Patty got her start in politics as a grassroots activist. One day, while fighting to save her kids’ preschool program at the Washington state capitol, a male legislator told her that she couldn’t make a difference because she was “just a mom in tennis shoes.”

It became a driving force for her to prove him wrong. She organized 13,000 parents and won that fight, and she hasn’t stopped advocating for children and working families since.

While I hope the Supreme Court will not overturn Roe’s precedent, we are obviously facing significant headwinds. We cannot continue to leave reproductive freedom to chance in the courts. Patty Murray gets that and it’s why she’s leading the fight to codify the right to safe and legal abortion nationwide and stop Republicans’ attempts to limit access.

But our best chance right now is to make sure we hold and expand the majority — including holding Patty Murray’s seat. Right now, we need to help her build up the resources and avoid any signs of vulnerability for Republicans to pounce on.

Just this month, a public poll was released showing her up by only 3 points with 19 percent of voters undecided. I don’t say it to alarm you, but Washington has an independent, sometimes red streak. So I’m not willing to take any risks here, and we need to make clear that, if Republicans decide to come for this seat, grassroots supporters will not allow them to defeat the leader of the Senate’s pro-choice movement.

If you can, please split a $5 contribution between Patty Murray’s re-election and my campaign to help us continue fighting for our shared progressive values. Every dollar will be used to help us hold and expand our majority this year.

Thank you for all of your support. The grassroots movement we’ve built together is helping us change how money is raised for these campaigns — and in turn, how our politics works. That means a lot to me, and we are all better for it.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

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