New year, same fight.
Carper for Senate

Last year, we made historic progress toward making Washington, D.C. our country’s 51st state.

For just the second time in U.S. history, the House passed legislation that would grant D.C. statehood and the Senate held a hearing considering the bill.

But statehood still is not a reality for the nearly 700,000 Americans who call the District home. 

I will keep fighting for D.C. statehood as long as it takes. I hope I can count on you to join me in this fight for justice and equality for Washingtonians, John. If I can, sign on your support for D.C. statehood today. >>

John, I want to give you an update on where we stand on the path to D.C. statehood:

  • Last month marked the first anniversary of the January 6th attack at the U.S. Capitol. This fatal attack took place in Washingtonians’ backyard but D.C.’s mayor didn’t have the authority to deploy the National Guard in response to the attack because the District is not a state.

  • Tax filing season has begun, which is a reminder that taxation without representation is still the status quo for Washingtonians who pay more federal taxes per capita than any state and more federal taxes overall than 21 states but don’t have any voting representation in Congress.

  • During the 117th Congress, there have been more than 20 attempts by congressional Republicans to overturn local D.C. laws and policies. They can do that because Congress has final approval over laws passed by the D.C. Council because the District isn’t a state.

This is an issue of basic fairness. Washingtonians deserve the same rights as Americans in every other part of the country.

If you agree, John, add your name and show your support for making D.C. our country’s 51st state.

Thank you,



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