Defending the Amazon: How indigenous culture protects Colombia's rainforest

Indigenous communities are widely considered the best guardians of vanishing rainforests. From using farm plots later regrown as forest to looking at nature as having its own rights, here’s why that’s the case

Egypt's tuk-tuk drivers wary of plans for green streets

As Egypt launches an ambitious greening of its transport ahead of COP27, Cairo’s tuk-tuk drivers fear they’ll lose out

Indian village banks on tree mortgages in bid to go carbon-neutral

Striving to earn the title of India's first net-zero village, Meenangadi is giving farmers loans they never have to pay back - as long as they keep their trees standing

Oregon Democrat Tina Kotek vies to become first openly lesbian U.S. governor

Tina Kotek wants to break down barriers for LGBTQ+ youth as the first out lesbian governor in the United States

One trans woman's fight against a bill that would criminalise Ghana's LGBT+ community

As lawmakers in Ghana consider criminalising gender reassignment surgery, a trans artist fears for her community


OPINION: Sun, sea and sandboxes: What are crypto innovators testing in the Pacific?

The Pacific nation of Palau is kicking off a digital residency scheme for anyone wishing to become a crypto-citizen

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