Friend -
You’ve been hearing a lot about voting rights. That’s why we need you to pay close attention to what’s happening in Secretary of State races across the country. SOS could not be a more appropriate acronym. We must be there to help! Secretaries of State, our chief election officials, make sure that rules are followed, that voters are protected, and that the truthful results are maintained no matter how sore a loser is.
It’s as imperative as ever, in this Era of Disinformation, to make sure that the SOS is a person of high integrity, committed to protecting the will of the people, not the fervency of autocratic wannabes.
It’s why PowerPAC is deeply involved in Secretary of State races around the country and why we’ve endorsed Bee Nguyen in Georgia and Adrian Fontes in Arizona. Both of these states are under relentless attack from the New Republican Party, and we’d like to invite you to meet the people who won’t be swayed by conspiracy theories, lies, or anything but the final election results.
Click the link above to make sure you’re included on our special guest list!
Thanks for fighting for everyone’s right to vote!
Kindly, Dc Lozano, PowerPAC |