A disaster. How does one even begin to describe how catastrophic the Biden Administrations feckless foreign policy is? Biden and the democrats have achieved what no foreign adversary ever could.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Breaking Leaked document reveals Biden’s Afghan failures
A disastere. How does one even begin to describe how catastrophic the Biden Administrations feckless foreign policy is? And we still have three years left of this madness. That's a long time for the world to be destabilized. Keep in mind that ...

Video: New York Professor Defending Pedophilia
It’s creeping closer to mainstream left. Professor Stephen Kershnar said “A very standard, very widely held view is that there’s something deeply wrong about this — and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious ...

U.S. Debt Crosses $30 Trillion
WSJ The debt held by the public is some $24 trillion, which is bad enough. That’s more than 100% of GDP, a level the U.S. has previously reached only during wartime. Much of this debt is held by Japanese or Chinese, who won’t take kindly to not ...

WATCH: Antisemite Linda Sarsour says antisemitism ‘not systemic’
This statement is not a surprise coming from this dangerous anti-Semite. America's “elites” have legitimized racist bigots on the Left like Linda Sarsour. This is why anti-Semitism in America has skyrocketed.

“The FBI’s 2020 hate crime ...

FBI Director: Level of Chinese Spying “Blew Me Away”
From the story: Chinese spying in the U.S. has become so widespread that the FBI is launching an average of two counterintelligence investigations a day to counter the onslaught, FBI Director Christopher Wray said in an interview. NBC News ...

WATCH: AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS ABC Rookie Reporter in Attempted Hit Job
This is how you do it. Bam!

WATCH: The Media just won’t learn their lesson. They continue to try and stump me, but I know their game better than they do.

I did an interview with @ABC… will they include this portion of it in their piece? ...

Biden Chaos: Israel Air Force drilled ‘massive attack on Iran’ in presence of US officer – report
War could soon be coming to the Middle East. The Biden Administration is going to re-enter the fatally flawed JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) in the weeks ahead. An agreement that will guarantee Iran a pathway to a nuclear arsenal in the years ahead. As ...

‘Joined At The Hip’: Jeff Zucker’s Office Honey Was Former Comms Director For Andrew Cuomo
The Democrat party and the media are interchangeable. The Democrat media power axis is incestuous.

EXCLUSIVE: Female CNN staff furious Allison Gollust still has a job after Jeff Zucker affair https://t.co/9pqs2cFCYH pic.twitter.com/iDTXfN6Tpl ...

Report: U.S. Employment Tanked By 300,000 Jobs In January
The Biden Administration has been a wrecking ball to America's economy. His radical economic policies have caused high inflation, massive debt, and stagnant job growth. Under President Trump America had the most booming economy in the history of ...

UK: Children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot: gov’t report
Data from Britain's Office for National Statistics show a stark increase in deaths among children both single- and double-jabbed compared to their un-jabbed counterparts……as the Democrat regime in America pushes for mandates for children and ...

Trump Peace: Bringing Saudi Arabia Into Abraham Accords A strategic Goal for US, Israel
Highly unlikely that this will happen with the Biden Administration  destroying America. We will in all likelihood have to wait until President Trump or Governor DeSantis take office in January 2025. That said, Saudi Arabia (and Kuwait) should ...
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