Team, Senate Republicans are preparing to do everything they can to BLOCK President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee and we won’t allow it.
300 DEMOCRATS NEEDED: Sign on ASAP to tell Senate Republicans that we demand fair consideration for President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee!
Don’t forget, President Biden’s highly-qualified nominee will be a historic one. She will be the first Black woman to ever become a Supreme Court Justice.
It’s long overdue that our Supreme Court looks like America.
But folks, Republicans in the Senate would prefer if President Biden didn’t get his way and stop his qualified nominee from even being considered – just like they did with President Obama in 2016.
We need to raise our voices now – before it’s too late.
Will you add your name as one of the Democrats who demands that Senate Republicans fairly consider President Biden’s historic SCOTUS nominee?
Thanks for standing up to make history,
Team Susie Lee