Will you join us?

Ilhan for Congress

Team —

When I first ran for Congress there was one thing I kept coming back to. Something I said to myself and to voters over and over: I believe that a better world is possible.

A lot has happened since then: A global pandemic. A deadly insurrection and attack on our democracy at the Capitol. The brutal murders of George Floyd and Daunte Wright in my community, at the hands of police. We’ve lived through extremely difficult times. But none of that has changed what I believe — it has only strengthened that belief.

I still believe in a world where the working class is given what they’re owed. A world where we address the economic and income inequality issues that are holding American workers back and systematically forcing families into poverty.

I still believe in a world where we choose to enrich our communities, our families, and our planet instead of fossil fuel companies. A world where we make the choice to create a healthier, more livable planet for future generations.

And I still believe that a grassroots movement — one powered by the people, never corporate PACs, is the way to achieve that. The status quo will try to get in our way, like when our opponents and ultraconservative donors spent upwards of $20 million to unseat me in the last election. But we’ve shown time and time again that organized people beat organized money.

Our collective vision of a better world is why I’m running for re-election, and that’s why I’m reaching out for your personal endorsement today. Will you add your name to our grassroots supporter list? It would mean so much to me to know you’re still with this movement.


Thank you for never letting up in the fight for a better and brighter future for everyone, no matter their income or ZIP code.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar