Girls Who Code registration is still open, but spots are limited! This Spring, we are offering two cohorts that incorporate interests in music, video games, and of course, coding.
Girls will be met by Katie Nahabedian from Capital One to learn how to create their own musical beats using the power of code! This program will be virtual.
Program Dates: January 20 - May 12
Meeting Times: Thursdays 6-7:30pm
6TH-8TH GRADE GIRLS (at Chesterfield Branch)
Akela Silkman will lead girls in using Doja Cat's DojaCode, an interactive music video experience. The girls will play as music video directors by using basic coding languages to alter key production elements. After they've practiced these concepts, they will use Scratch to create their own music video projects. This program will be in-person.
Program Dates: February 10-April 14th
Meeting Times: Thursdays 6-7:30pm
How to register
Interested in registering? Registration for Girls Who Code is a two-step process:
1. Fill out our intake form here.
2. Register on the Girls Who Code website at and use the program code that corresponds to the session you are interested in:
3rd-5th grade code: VA37080
6th-8th grade code: VA37082