From Lt. Col. Allen West <>
Subject Watch My Interview with Stew Peters
Date February 3, 2022 7:28 PM
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I recently made an appearance on "The Stew Peters Show." Be sure to check it out!

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Fellow Patriot,

Governor Greg Abbott failed Texas and has allowed border security and COVID-19 tyranny to worsen under his watch ([link removed]) .

Texas has become a hotbed of movement by illegals, with hundreds of thousands of strangers entering the United States and causing harm to the citizens of Texas.

Keep in mind that none of these illegals have been tested for COVID-19.

How ironic is it that the Biden administration is pushing for Americans to be forced to take an injection into their arm, while ignoring this fact?

Speaking on COVID-19 tyranny, Governor Abbott ignored the Constitution and issued a statewide, unconstitutional, and pointless mask mandate.

Many businesses closed down forever and Texas found itself in a terrible position due to Governor Abbott's poor decisions.

He locked down our great state, masked the citizenry, and has done little to fight the ongoing so-called "vaccine" tyranny currently being imposed by Swamp creatures in Washington DC.

I recently made an appearance on "The Stew Peters Show" where I discussed Governor Abbott's multiple failures in detail -- Be sure to give it a look ([link removed]) .

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The good news is that we are in the lead to replace him, but that does not mean we will stop pushing ahead for victory. We need your help.

If you want to unseat Governor Abbott, consider donating to our campaign ([link removed]) .

Whether you donate $2,000, $1,000, $750, $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $75$, $50, or even $20, you can know confidently that your money will be worth 5 times that when we win the election ([link removed]) .

Our movement has the support of Texans from all over our great state, including the one and only Ted Nugent.

If you stand for freedom, liberty, and our Constitution, the choice is clear.

Texans will no longer stand for weak leadership in the face of tyranny.

For those who value the God-given rights of citizens in America and have donated to our cause, I thank you for your continued support ([link removed]) .

We are going to keep fighting for Texas and we will not waver until our goals are met.
Steadfast and Loyal,

Lt. Col. Allen West
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