February 2021



Founder and Editor
Professor Emerita of Law
The University of Dayton School of Law

This website makes legal scholarship more accessible to community activists, students, and non-law faculty. 

 In January 2022, Racism.org had 13,934 users in 15,759 sessions over 132 Countries and 5 Continents. The Top Five Countries were the United States, China, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany.  I updated 35 Legal Scholarship Searchable databases and added 9 new topical searchable Databases. I updated the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resources.  

Thank You to My Patrons for  January 2022!

This updated 28 databases and added 9 topical databases:


 Click here to Support Professor Randall and her work. 

Patrons who pledge $10 a month or more can select 1 article a month from a database to be abstracted. Please email Prof. Randall through Patreon.com 

American Indian or Alaskan Native


Indian Boarding Schools, Indian Child Welfare Act and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)  In 2022, 44 additional citations were added.

Sovereignty (Indian and Native Hawaiian) and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022. 330 articles were added from 2021.

American Indian, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 100 documents were added for 2021.

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Asian American or Pacific Islander including Native Hawaiians


Internment of Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) 7 additional articles were added in 2021.

Chinese Exclusion Laws, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) The 2022 Update included 30 articles.

Asian Americans, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) 90 articles were added in 2022.

Native Hawaiian, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 100 citations were added from 2021.

Sovereignty (Indian and Native Hawaiian) and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 100 documents were added for 2021.

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Bias and the Law


 Bias and Racism in Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) The 2022 Update included 200+ articles.

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Black or African American including DAEUS (Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States)


Black Americans, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) One hundred eighty- two  (182) articles were added for 2021.

DAEUS During Legal Apartheid/ Jim Crow (1865 to 1963) (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes over 3000+ records on legal documents on Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States during Legal Apartheid or Jim Crow

#BlackLivesMatter and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) Six hundred documents were added from 2021.

Enslaved Africans and Descendants Before 1865 (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes over 18000+ records on legal documents on  Enslaved Africans and Descendants.

Reparations for Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) Two hundred (200) documents were added from 2021. 

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Coronavirus (Covid-19)


Coronavirus (Covid-19), Race and Racism: U.S.A. Legal Documents (Searchable Database)  This searchable database includes  2400+ law review articles on  Critical Race Theory.

Coronavirus (Covid-19), Race and Racism: U.S.A. News Articles (Searchable Database)  This  searchable  database  includes  10000+  articles on the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Race, and Racism in the News

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Criminal Justice


Policing, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)  In 2022, an additional 100 citations were added 

School-to-Prison Pipeline and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 75 additional citations were added from 2021.

Mass Incarceration and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 240 additional citations were addedvv

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Critical Race Theory


Critical Race Theory (Searchable Database)

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Health Status and Health Care


Racial Health Disparities and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) 300+ articles were added for 2021.

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Hispanic or Latinx American


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the US War Against Mexico, and Racism (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  100+ law review articles on  Mexican Americans and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.v

Latina(o), Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) In 2022, 250 documents were added to the database.

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Immigration, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) 200 documents were added in 2022.

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Men, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)  In 2022, over 150 documents were added to the database.

Women, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)  In 2022, 60 Citations were added.

Islam, Islamophobia and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) The database was updated with 11 articles from 2021.

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School-to-Prison Pipeline


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Race and Racism, Generally


 Racism, Anti-Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)In 2022, 200 articles were added from 2021.

Critical Race Theory (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  2400+ law review articles on  Critical Race Theory

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White Americans and Whiteness 


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Other Databases 

 Birthright Citizenship, Race and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database)  The 2022 Update included 30 documents.

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  550+ law review articles on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Employment, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  1000+ law review articles on employment. 

Environmental Justice, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  668 law review articles on  Environmental Justice. 

Housing, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  1800+ law review articles on housing. 

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discimination (CERD) (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes  600+ law review articles on The International Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Violence, Racism and Legal Scholarship (Searchable Database) This searchable database includes 500+ law review articles on violence and racism. 

Wealth, Bankruptcy and Taxation (Search Database) This searchable database includes  597 law review articles on bankruptcy, wealth, or taxation. 

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Click here to Support Professor Randall and her work.

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