
63 years ago in 1959, Senator Chuck Grassley began his career as a politician when he was sworn into the Iowa House of Representatives:

Dwight D. Eisenhower was president.

The federal minimum wage was $1.00.

A gallon of milk cost $0.25.

A post stamp was $0.04.

And Iowans who cast their first vote for Grassley are now at least 85-years-old.

Times certainly have changed since 1959. And so has Chuck Grassley. During his 63-year-long political career, Chuck Grassley has taken millions from the NRA, Big Pharma, and special interests. He orchestrated the unprecedented blocking of a Supreme Court nomination for 293 days. And he’s falsely perpetuated the Big Lie rather than stand up for the truth and be a voice of reason.

Iowa deserves better. That’s why Admiral Mike Franken is running against Chuck Grassley to end his political career once and for all and turn Iowa blue.

The early polls show a tight race, but Mitch McConnell is already raising millions into Super PACs to attack Mike and flip the Senate red. The only way to fight back and defeat Chuck Grassley is with help from grassroots donors like you now.

We’re facing our first deadline of the month in a few days, and we’re still dangerously short of our goal and what we need to win and turn Iowa blue.

Please, if you’re able to, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can spare before our critical fundraising deadline – to help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

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