
News from mySociety

February 2022


Party voting instructions should be public

It's common knowledge that many votes in Parliament are 'whipped', with MPs instructed how to vote by their party leadership.

At the moment, it's a secret process — but our recent polling discovered that most people think this information should be out in the open.

Five ways of finding similar councils

CAPE, the Climate Action Plan Explorer, now provides a handful of different council matches, based on factors such as their levels of deprivation, how rural they are, and their emissions profiles.

Find out how we got this working, and then go and see which other authorities your council is similar to, on CAPE.


Today! TICTEC Civic Tech Surgery #2: Accessibility and inclusivity

It's this afternoon (14:00 GMT) - so be sure to book your place without delay if you were hoping to attend the second Civic Tech Surgery, all about making our tools and culture fully accessible.

Listen in on an international panel as they present and discuss possible solutions, in a conversation that will go on to inform the Action Lab working group.

Book your place now


Council climate plan scorecards are live

Climate Emergency UK's massive project to score every council's Climate Action Plan, based on 27 points that every effective plan needs to have, is now up and available for everyone to explore.

How did your council do?

January progress

This month it's Lucas' turn to update us on what the Climate team have been working away at over the past month, and what we're planning to turn to next. Enjoy his first ever blog post for mySociety here.

Want more on climate?

We're adding new features and tools to the Climate Action Plans Explorer all the time. If you'd like to know when there's something new to try out, subscribe to our Climate mailing list.

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Image credits Houses of Parliament  Tim Wielink; Calendar Emiliana Hall
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