As we bring January to a close and begin what’s sure to be an even more eventful February, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you.
Warren Democrats

As we bring January to a close and begin what’s sure to be an even more eventful February, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. 

I’m happy to let you know that we reached our fundraising goal for the month, and we’re off to the strong start we needed this year thanks to this amazing grassroots team.

Supporting our movement this early in the year puts us in the best position possible to elect more progressive Democrats nationwide. It’s still early, but we’re off to one heck of a start, and I’m deeply grateful.

This is a fight for our future — a fight we can’t win alone but one we can absolutely win together. We’ve got big goals for 2022, and your support is powerfully important to reaching them. It’s time to dream big, fight hard, and win.

Thanks for being a part of this,





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