We’re doing something a little different to kick off our re-election campaign:

Ilhan for Congress

Team —

We’re doing something a little different to kick off our re-election campaign — looking back at all the progress we’ve made over the last 3 years in 3 minutes (more or less). You can watch our video here:

3 years in 3 minutes

That was a lot — but I didn’t do it all on my own. These are our accomplishments, and none of it could’ve happened without you.

Your donations and your volunteer efforts have built this movement — one small-dollar contribution and door knock at a time. We can build on this progress and achieve more for workers and families than ever before, but I’m counting on your support to keep up this critical work.

Will you chip in whatever you can to help kick off our re-election campaign? I don’t take a penny from the corporate PACs hell-bent on stopping our progress, so this campaign is powered by people like you.


I always say we get what we organize for, and over the last 3 years, we sure have. On the campaign side:

  • We made over 1 million outreach attempts and had over 100,000 conversations with the help of more than 4,000 volunteers.

  • We organized the delivery of 17 tons of food to North Minneapolis, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for nonprofits and charities, provided mutual aid during the pandemic, and hosted several trainings on everything from unionizing your workplace to reimagining public safety.

  • In 2016, over 360,000 people voted in the 5th District, and in 2020 we increased that with 40,000 more votes, with over 400,000 people voting here in the 5th for the first time ever.

  • We were one of the first campaigns to invest in a deep canvassing program in a non-election year, and we knocked on every single door in low-turnout areas of our district.

  • In our last election, despite my opponents outspending me by tens of millions of dollars, we were able to win by more than 20 points in the most expensive primary in the history of Congress.

On the legislative side:

  • We passed 48 of my bills and amendments in the House, and eight of our bills have been signed into law — including the MEALS Act, my bill that guaranteed school meals would continue for more than 20 million kids during the pandemic.

  • We brought home $2.6 billion in federal money for Minnesota’s 5th District, and $13.5 million in Community Development Block Grants to help Minneapolis rebuild from the unrest after the tragic murder of George Floyd.

  • We are currently advancing an additional $46 million dollars in funding for community-centered projects.

  • We worked with you to bring forward community-driven legislation to cancel student debt, provide universal school meals, combat systemic racism, provide housing for all, reorient our foreign policy, end fossil fuel subsidies, and address the waste crisis that is fueling climate change.

I mean it when I say these are our shared accomplishments. None of this would be possible with your support, and the same goes for all we hope to achieve in the future. That’s why I’m asking you to help continue this progress by donating any amount to our re-election campaign.


In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar