In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
Lawyers acting for dozens of victims of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests have called for Vincent Nichols, the most senior Catholic cleric in England
and Wales, to resign. Those making the call include Richard Scorer, an NSS vice-president, acting in his role as a lawyer.
British Indians in one of the country's most diverse boroughs have warned against attempts to divide voters in the general election along ethnic or religious
Leading anti-LGBT protester Shakeel Afsar has urged religious people across Birmingham's Hall Green constituency to back former MP Roger Godsiff, who was
axed by Labour over his support for protesters.
A student from Afghanistan has been convicted under terrorism laws after refusing to give border control officials access to his phone at Edinburgh airport.
The former head of the Manchester Beth Din has said members of the strictly Orthodox Jewish community should rather "give up one's life" than comply with the
government's demands on religious and sex education.
Aides to President Donald Trump are drafting plans to condition US aid to other countries on how well they treat their religious minorities, two White House
officials have said.
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