
First, I want to say thank you. Generous supporters like you helped us not only meet our January fundraising goal, but surpass it. I really appreciate all your help.

As we kick off February, I also wanted to share a brief update on what I’m up to in the Senate. Yesterday, I was proud to introduce the Agricultural Right to Repair Act, which will give farmers and producers the right to repair their own equipment.

Here’s why this legislation is so necessary, folks: For too long, equipment manufacturers have prevented people from fixing their own machines — all to boost corporate profits at the expense of family farmers and ranchers.

I know these unfair practices all too well, which is why I’m leading the fight to give producers the right to repair what they own.

If you’re with me, I hope you’ll show your support for this legislation by signing my team’s petition. It’ll just take a moment of your time.


While farm equipment manufacturers have monopolized the repair market, their actions have real consequences for folks in states like Montana and beyond. Farmers can’t afford to wait for an authorized mechanic while facing tight planting and harvest windows, and they shouldn’t have to.

That’s why it’s critical we take action on this. Thanks for raising your voice alongside mine.

— Jon