Dear John, Join us Wednesday, February 16, 2022, for "Don't Look Down": How Misinformation & Science Denial Obscures the Global Plastics and Climate Crisis, where we will be discussing the impacts of plastics on climate and human health and how industry uses science denial and misinformation to prevent urgent and transformative solutions from being adopted. Date: Wed., February 16 Time: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone. Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will
send you a link to watch the recording afterwards. Don’t Look Down! The fossil fuel industry wants to convince you that everything is under control—but around the world, plastic is washing ashore on beaches and creating mountains of waste in landfills. Microplastics are polluting our water, air, and soil; communities living in the shadow of petrochemical facilities are getting sick; and greenhouse gases from oil refineries and plastic processing facilities are fueling the climate crisis. Just as the film Don’t Look Up satirized how science can be discredited even when impending world cataclysm is imminent and readily observable, clearly things in the world of plastics
are not as industry would have us believe.
We will be joined by Yvette Arellano, Founder & Executive Director of Fenceline Watch; Shilpi Chhotray, Co-Founder & Executive Director of People Over Plastic; and Dr. Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science & Director, Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University, whose work and persona provided inspiration for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in the satirical film Don’t Look Up.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested. We look forward to your participation! 
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition |