![]() Dear Patriot, After a series of discussions with Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton, I am convinced this may well be the most important email I’ve ever sent you as C4L Chairman. With Speaker Pelosi and left-wing radicals like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez driving policy in the House of Representatives, our national media rooting for all sorts of Big Government madness — and members of BOTH parties looking to wheel and deal — you and I are facing an onslaught of statist legislation unlike anything I’ve seen since President Barack Obama first strolled into the Oval Office! Radical gun control schemes backed by members of BOTH parties are on the move. Likewise, BOTH parties are spending like there’s no tomorrow — driving our national debt to over $22 TRILLION. It’s gotten so bad that several politicians are even proudly calling themselves “SOCIALISTS” – a totalitarian description virtually no one used just a decade ago! That’s why I must hear from you right away. As you’ll see, I’ve prepared a special Campaign for Liberty Supporter Ballot for you. After you’ve finished reading this, please give me your opinion right away. Without your opinion — and your IMMEDIATE support — I’m afraid I could be forced to make deep cuts in Campaign for Liberty’s most important programs (even in some fights like Audit the Fed where I believe we can win). I can’t explain what a travesty that would be — especially with everything we’re facing right now. Just consider the stakes with gun control. Designed to sound harmless, the so-called “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019,” H.R. 8, is one of the most sinister anti-gun bills ever introduced in Congress. The only way our federal government can ensure every gun buyer goes through a “check” before they purchase a firearm is to keep track of every gun and gun owner in the nation. So this bill is nothing more than a NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION scheme to lay the groundwork for full-scale gun confiscation around the country. House Republicans like Reps. Peter King (NY-2), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Fred Upton (MI-6), Vern Buchanan (FL-16), Brian Mast (FL-18), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), and Will Hurd (TX-23) joined the mad dash to enact gun control by voting for H.R. 8 when it passed the House. And in the Senate, Republicans like Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham and others are lining up in support of so-called “Red Flag” gun confiscation schemes like S. 7 (sponsored by Republican Senator Marco Rubio). The storm clouds are brewing. There’s virtually no doubt that we’ll soon be facing an all-out brawl on gun control. And if that weren’t bad enough, the statists are already plotting their next moves with: *** Full-scale Euro-style socialist medicine. Even after
ObamaCare’s FAILURE, Big Government forces will never admit the problem is too much government. They argue the only fix is MORE government
control over every aspect of our healthcare system! *** The MASSIVE expansion on government’s spying powers. With the so-called “USA Freedom Act” (the so-called “PATRIOT Act’s” replacement) expiring this year, there’s going to be a huge push to hand the Deep State more Orwellian spying power over law-abiding Americans. *** The “Green New Deal” to BAN cars, air travel, FORCE every building in America to be rebuilt, and hand people “unwilling to work” fat taxpayer-funded welfare payouts! Make no mistake. This is EXACTLY what Speaker Pelosi’s flock of congressional radicals want forced down our throats. So if you think stopping these assaults should be Campaign for Liberty’s top priority in the new Congress, please select “STOP STATIST ASSAULTS” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, please consider the growing threat of censorship in the United States. I know you’ve heard bone-chilling stories of tech giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others effectively black-listing anyone who doesn’t toe the Big Government line. Private companies, of course, should always be able to make their own rules about their products. But let’s not kid ourselves here. These tech giants have been tied at the hip to the Deep State for well over a decade now, handing the NSA gobs of private information on law-abiding Americans any time it’s asked for! Ever since the results of the 2016 elections, the Deep State has accused anyone who doesn’t toe their line of effectively being “Russian stooges” — the excuse many of these tech giants are using to censor those like me who still believe in liberty. So according to these self-righteous statist radicals, standing up for the United States Constitution effectively makes you an enemy of the United States! Now, Congress is getting into the censorship act as well with the Establishment Protection Act (H.R. 1)! If passed, this draconian legislation would: >>> Impose sweeping new
regulations on organizations like Campaign for Liberty, to keep us quiet and cripple our effectiveness during election years; >>> Force grassroots organizations to publicize and release the names of supporters making them vulnerable to threats, intimidation, or worse, from radical left-wing mobs; >>> Increase regulation of Americans’ online speech beyond paid advertising to include communications on groups’ or individuals’ own websites and email messages. 704 page bills like H.R. 1 don’t get written overnight. Yet this bill was the very first introduced in the new Congress! It’s clearly been in the works for quite some time, crafted secretly behind closed doors by those who want to see America’s pro-liberty grassroots muzzled and DESTROYED as a political force. After years of fending off attacks from the IRS, perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. If you and I don’t fight back against this scheme, we could effectively lose our ability to fight back anywhere — giving statists in BOTH parties the green light to do their absolute WORST. So if you think stopping H.R. 1 should be Campaign for Liberty’s top focus, please select “STOP BIG GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP SCHEMES” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, there’s one more thing I hope you’ll consider — our fight to Audit the Fed. It’s starting to become obvious to everyone that another financial crisis is looming right around the corner. As I told you before, President Trump pledged to support Audit the Fed while running for President in 2016. And in recent months, the Fed has been a constant target of President Trump’s anger. So this just may be our best opportunity ever to finally show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to: 1) Big Government boondoggles and out-of-control spending as politicians
realize the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills when taxes and borrowing don’t make ends meet. In fact, that’s how
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’d pay for her so-called “Green New Deal”; 2) Constant economic crises. The 2008 housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation. As I mentioned, I’m worried we’re in the midst of another bubble that could burst any second; 3) The destruction of the middle class. As food, fuel, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money plummets; 4) Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it. The good news is, with pick-ups in the 2018 elections, we’re inching ever closer to reaching the 60-vote threshold we need to finally pass Audit the Fed through the Senate. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has never supported auditing the Fed, we’ve passed it through the U.S. House twice — each time with overwhelming bipartisan support (thanks to your help!). I’m virtually certain the votes are there for House passage. We just have to force a vote. So if you think passing Audit the Fed should be Campaign for Liberty’s top legislative priority, please select “Audit the Fed” on your Supporter Ballot. As you’ll see, there are no easy choices. Focusing solely on any one area means Campaign for Liberty will simply have to let the statists in BOTH parties get their way in another. I can’t even bear to think about what that would mean for the future of our country. That’s why, as you’ll see, I’ve included one more option on your Supporter Ballot. That’s "FIGHT EVERYWHERE! DON’T GIVE AN INCH!" But please recognize how serious this is. Without a massive influx of funds, I simply won’t be able to run even a full program on any one of these critical battles, let alone all of them! Fighting the statists everywhere will mean I simply must count on you to go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past. That’s why I simply must hear from you right away. So can I please count on your most generous contribution of $50 TODAY? I know that’s a lot. I know it’s more than you’ve done in the past. But if $50 is just too much, please make your most generous contribution of $25 or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY! Patriot, this could not be more serious. With the statists more radical than ever, the stakes are higher for the Liberty Movement than ever before. I’m counting on you to rise to the occasion. So please submit your Supporter Ballot right away and tell me how to proceed. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul P.S. As you’ll see, I’ve prepared a special Campaign for Liberty Supporter Ballot for you to fill out. In the next few days, I must nail down Campaign for Liberty’s most crucial plans for the coming weeks, but I can’t do that without hearing from you first. So please submit your Supporter Ballot right away and make your most generous contribution of $50, $25 or at least $10 at once! |