Seattle Democratic Socialist of America

Priorities for 2022.

Thank you everyone for coming out to last night's General Membership Meeting. We had a number of ways to get involved:

  • Convention priorities are firing up. You have until February 16, 2022 to submit nomination for the Local Council, bylaws changes, and resolutions. Visit for deadlines, registration, form, and (soon) candidate statements. You can discuss items you hope submit or will submit on our Chapter Slack in the #convention channel. Not on Slack? Forward your member welcome email to [email protected]
  • Stephanie Gallardo gave an update on her Congressional Run. She's raised over $100k and over 90% from small donations of under $200. In contrast, 20+ year incumbent Adam Smith has raised over $600 and just 4% from small donations of under $200. The establishment and war-machine has their man. You can learn more about Seattle DSA's efforts supporting Stephanie Gallardo here or more about her campaign as a union-teacher and socialist here.
  • Starbucks workers are unionizing (incl fellow members!). Over 50 stores have filed. As we heard from Sydney, Starbucks HQ, regions/districts, and store managers are retaliating (even telling an employee during a trial that they were a no-call, no-show for attending a trial and sitting just feet from them). How do you support? Attend Labor Committee's actions and pledge to fight alongside workers here. Members also donated over $2k last night to the strike fund.
  • N95 masks are available for your to pickup and distribute to your worksite or apartment buildings. Reach out in #mutual_aid on Slack for details on where to pickup a set.

We can and will defeat capitalism, racism, imperialism, and patriarchy. There is no alternative, no future left without defeating these mutually-reinforcing systems. Imperial borders and wars steal vast resources and kill workers to enrich a ruling class and enforce class relations through immigration status. Racism, manifest in the unique and pre-eminent US prison and policing state, which provides a vast system of slavery. Patriarchy confers unearned privilege in public and establishes the normalization of a ruling class in the home - as well as mandating a reserve labor force through restricting abortion access. This system treats the decision to create life itself as means to end, robbing agency just as each connected struggle is also robbed of agency along the way. No more. Imperialism does not sleep. Patriarchy does not sleep. Racism is for sure 100% not asleep. Capitalism does not sleep. The floor is falling out. Together, we will build, overtop its collapse, a world without the exploitation of the present day. 


Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, when no one fears losing housing, food, employment, life, or  agency -- only then will real, and not paper, liberty be possible. 


Help organize priorities for Seattle DSA today.


Solidarity in the New Lunar Year,

David P (they/them)

Internal Comms Officer

Seattle Democratic Socialists of America