India's forest-planting push leaves indigenous women out in the cold

Communities rely on forests for firewood and other natural products they gather and sell – but a government tree-planting drive is cutting them off from land and livelihoods

Passport to acceptance? LGBTQ+ travellers wary about gender-neutral IDs

More than a dozen countries issue ‘X’ passports, but some non-binary and transgender people fear discrimination if they use them

The delivery apps making gig work a 'digital wild west'

Third-party apps that let delivery riders pay to 'jump the queue' for orders anger gig workers in Italy

OPINION: Expo’s bright lights cannot hide Dubai’s dark side of discrimination and forced labour

The United Arab Emirates must address the plight of low-paid migrant workers

OPINION: There can be no climate action without targets to protect wetlands

Safeguarding and restoring shrinking wetlands is our last, best defence against global warming and biodiversity loss


The UK military needs to fight for its LGBT+ personnel

Despite moves to correct historic wrongs, bullying and harassment remain rife in the UK armed forces

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