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Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022


Dear Doctor:

Steve Berger

Rolling Over When It’s Payback Time

Paul Gottfried

Ever Changing the Goal

John McClain

Washington and London, Deafened

Thierry Meyssan

Rising Rents and Cheap Money Flowing—So Apartment Prices Are Soaring

Douglas French

Forgiving the Unforgivable?

Dr. Mark Sircus

School Officials in Virginia Threaten To SUSPEND Students Who Don’t Wear Masks, Even Though Mandates Have All Been Abolished

Steve Watson

How Erosion of Social Cohesion Makes the World a More Dangerous Place

Claudio Gallo

How NATO Empire-Building Set the Stage for Crisis Over Ukraine

Brian McGlinchey

The Blackwater Is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion

Manlio Dinucci

The Ruling Elites and the Governments They Control Have Shown Conclusively that They Are Against Us, the People

Paul Craig Roberts

The Covid Matrix

The Z-Man

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