Episode 96 Uploaded January 30: Coco Das interviews Dr. Anthony DiMaggio, author of the new book, Rising Fascism in America (order from Routledge here), Associate Professor of Political Science at Lehigh
University. His research emphasizes the interactions between politics,
social movements, the news media, and the American right. He previously appeared on episode 27: Our System is Not Equipped to Deal With a Bad Actor Like Trump.
+ Voices from the launch of Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights on the 49th
anniversary of Roe V. Wade January 22: Sunsara Taylor, Lori Sokol, Merle
Hoffman and Katea Stitt.

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Anthony DiMaggio: There is a movement in America which includes tens of millions of people in the modern Republican Party and Donald Trump, increasingly, that is very neo-fascistic in its politics. The big consequence here is that if we can't have an open, clear, critical discussion about the problem of rising fascism, then people can't recognize the severity of threat. If we don't come to terms with how dangerous this is, then it can just happen and then people don't realize it until it's too late. We need to have a mass movement where people recognize in advance the danger and we work to roll it back.
Comment from A. H. MD, a listener: I have been listening to the Refuse Fascism podcast since early December, now catching up on some of the earlier episodes, all of which are very interesting. Today's episode with Coco Das and Dr. Anthony DiMaggio was really good. I appreciated his knowledge of historical right-wing media influence on the development of the christofascist movement, something that is crucial to the understanding of how we came to be in this crisis.
On March 8, International Women’s Day, we come back
with creativity and growing numbers in small towns and the big cities,
filling the streets with serious determination and rebellious joy. We
will puncture the stifling atmosphere of capitulation to a great
injustice and compel all to take notice, inspiring more people to join
us. We start organizing now.
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