From Hillary Clinton <>
Subject Friend, I’m asking
Date February 1, 2022 10:16 PM
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Onward Together

friend --

When we launched Onward Together in 2017, the world looked very different than it does today. The Women’s March was brand new, we were protesting the Muslim ban at airports across the country, and Americans were only beginning to understand what a Trump presidency really meant.

Together, we took on all of these fights and more. And now, as we look forward to the next five years of Onward Together, I’m asking you: Will you become an Anniversary Donor to Onward Together? Donate $15 or more today to support our partner organizations as they take on the challenges still ahead of us.

Donate now [[link removed]]

In five years, we’ve brought on more than a dozen partner groups focusing on everything from electing young people to local office and winning secretary of state offices to organizing minority voters in Arizona and increasing protections for domestic workers. We've raised money to reunite families separated at the border and to protect voting rights across the country. And we’ve supported more than 30 organizations through direct grants, collaborative events, and mentorship.

Five years ago, I told you “there’s no telling what we can achieve if we approach the fights ahead with the passion and determination we feel today” -- and I believe that now more than ever. We are and have always been stronger together.

Be a part of our next five years by becoming one of the first Anniversary Donors to Onward Together:

Donate now [[link removed]]


Onward Together
120 W 45th Street
New York, NY 10036
United States

Contributions or gifts to Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions.

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