We want to correct an error in an email sent yesterday evening. The subject line of the USAFacts newsletter erroneously stated, “COVID-19 meant millions of excess deaths last year.”
The correct language is: COVID-19 meant thousands of excess deaths last year.
At USAFacts, we strive to be fact-based and data-driven. We hope to instill trust. We fell short, and we apologize.
We also want to use this humbling experience to reinforce our belief that facts deserve to be heard. This means that when you read or hear something in your day-to-day that makes you pause, we encourage you to validate it. Is a source cited? Is there a way to double-check the numbers? While there is plenty of misinformation out there, not all of it is purposeful or ill-intended — sometimes, it’s human error. It’s always a good idea to check the data.
You can read the article on excess deaths in the US here. As always, our sources are listed throughout.