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February 2022              ASNV HOME    DONATE    JOIN

President's Corner

Buffleheads, Mick Thompson

It’s cold outside, and the short days are often cloudy! This is a perfect time to go winter birding! Right now, local waters are filled with birds that you can’t see most of the year.

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Apply now for a Youth Education Mini-Grant!

Youth nature drawing at Huntley Meadows, Margaret Wohler

The ASNV Youth Education Committee is pleased to offer three mini-grants of up to $500 each for 2022. Read on to find out how to apply.

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2022 Scholarship Application to Hog Island Educator's Week Now Open!

Hog Island, Pheobe Riegle

Each year Audubon Society of Northern Virginia offers a full scholarship to Sharing Nature: An Educator’s Week at Hog Island Audubon Camp in coastal Maine. Read on to find out how to apply!

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2021 Christmas Bird Count Summary

Tufted Titmouse, Stephanie Dean

The results are in! The 40th Annual Manassas-Bull Run Christmas Bird Count was held on December 21, 2021. Find out what we saw.

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Celebrating George Washington Carver
Library of Congress

While he is famous for his research in food science, in particular his bulletin for 105 recipes using peanuts, George Washington Carver’s true legacy is much greater.

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ASNV is Looking for New Board Members

American Robins, Dennis Atwell/Audubon Photography Awards

Would you like to help Audubon Society of Northern Virginia? We’re looking for candidates to join our Board of Directors.

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Upcoming Classes and Events

We have some exciting classes and events coming up, both virtually and in-person! Click any event to learn more and register. You can also check our calendar for our full schedule of events.

Great Backyard Bird Count Workshop and Kahoot

Tufted Titmouse and Carolina Chickadee, Gary Mueller/GBBC

Save the date! The next GBBC is February 18-21. Hundreds of thousands of people, all ages and walks of life worldwide, join the four-day count each February to create an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds.

This FREE workshop will cover the history of GBBC, its purpose, tips for identifying birds, and the protocols to be followed while counting.

When: Thursday, February 3, 2022, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Fee: FREE!


ASNV Winter Waterfowl Count

Northern Shoveler, Gerald Lisi/APA

ASNV will hold its annual Winter Waterfowl Count over the weekend of February 5 and 6. Teams will survey areas along the Virginia side of the Potomac River from Algonkian Regional Park in Loudoun County to Quantico Marine Base in Prince William County as well as a variety of inland ponds and lakes.

When: Saturday and Sunday, Feburary 5-6, 8:00 AM
Where: Various locations
Fee: FREE!

If you are interested in participating in the count, please contact the Compiler Assistant, Elizabeth Krone.

Equity and Diversity in the Great Outdoors
Melody Starya Mobley, Musa Murawih and Yolanda Villacampa, courtesy of Arlington Public Library

A Panel Discussion presented by Arlington Public Library. Nature belongs to all of us! Please join Arlington Public Library for a Zoom chat with renowned birders and naturalists discussing the joys and challenges of their work in the field.

When: Monday, February 7, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Fee: FREE!


ASNV Winter Waterfowl Tally Rally

Lesser Scaup, Walker Golder

Learn about the highlights of this year’s waterfowl count and celebrate with our community! Open to everyone, even if you did not participate in the count. 

When: Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Fee: FREE!


Birds and Words with Bill Young

Great Horned Owl, William Young

How have bird words infiltrated the English language? What is the basis for the common and scientific names of birds? What slang expressions are used by and about birders? What are the funniest and most unusual bird names? What special words are used to describe types of birds and groups of birds? 

Bill Young will address these and many other questions in Birds and Words. 

When: February 15, 17, & 22, 2022, 7:00 – 8:00PM
Cost: Members; $25, Non-members: $35

Bald Eagles: A Conservation Success Story

Bald Eagle, Cynthia Hansen/APA

This event is co-sponsored by Friends of Dyke Marsh, Friends of Huntley Meadows Park, Friends of Mason Neck Park, the Northern Virginia Bird Club and ASNV. Bald and golden eagles will be the focus of a presentation on March 2, 2022, by Jeff Cooper, a Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) wildlife biologist.

When: Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Fee: Free, but registration is required

Growing Bird Food: New Research about Native Hydrangeas

Hydrangea arborescens, Nicholas Turland

Join us for a presentation by Sam Hoadley from the Mt. Cuba Center, a nonprofit dedicated to preservation and conservation of native plant species of the Piedmont ecoregion. Sam will take us on a deep dive into Mt. Cuba Center’s newly released Hydrangea arborescens evaluation results.

When: Thursday, March 10, 7:00 – 8:00PM
Fee: $10

Bird Walks

Birder, Camilla Cerea
Check this page for upcoming walks. Registration is required for all walks!
Creative DIY Indoor Cat Projects
Update on Bles Park
Landscaping with Nature
Update on Gas-powered Leaf Blowers
Monthly Features

Observations from Meadowood

Eastern Comma, Judy Gallagher

Judy Gallagher continues to survey Meadowood Recreation Area. Here are some findings from her most recent survey.   

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February Bird of the Month: Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl, Matt Felperin

Jessica Bigger, who writes our Bird of the Month feature, is away, so we’re bringing you a recent story from the Washington Post about an infrequent visitor from the Arctic – a Snowy Owl.

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Monday Nature Mystery

Dark-eyed Junco, Matthew Kipper/APA

Monday Nature Mystery continues! Read on to learn who correctly identified our last mystery and see what this week's mystery holds.

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Conservation Counts

Common Buckeye, Rusty Moran

Join Jim Waggener in his ongoing natural resource surveys at two of Northern Virginia's best birding spots. Surveys alternate between Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area on Mason Neck.

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E-Activist Network - Volunteers Needed

The National Audubon Society invites all Auduboners to join its e-activist network. When you subscribe to the Society’s newsletter, you'll receive alerts about important congressional actions and information about how you can affect legislation by contacting your members of Congress.
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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
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Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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