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Dear Friends,

We are at a pivotal moment in our lives and our history. Most of you know how much I preach the old Tip O’Neil saying, “All politics is local.” I do so because I believe it. It’s why I’ve spent the better part of my adult life standing up to those in power over our hometowns. As an Arizona native I’ve watched our northwest valley turn from open desert, orange groves, and dirt roads - to the sea of pavement, chain stores, and beige homes it is today. Arizona isn’t some wild west territory on the outskirts of civilization anymore. Our state is growing, our needs are growing. We need leadership in our local politics that reflects our needs, our values, and our voices.

As a business owner I know the importance of an educated workforce to the strength and security of our state economy. As a parent I know the stress of economic uncertainty on our families and our children futures. Affordable housing, workers’ wages, funding public education, maintaining our roads, and making investments with taxpayer money that provides the return on the investment back to the us - the taxpayers - is why local politics is so important.

The kind of leaders I support are those I can trust to be stewards of public service and guardians over our families and best interests. In my own political journey both at the state and federal levels, I have been blessed to meet some amazing leaders, but more importantly, amazing human beings.
Joan Greene has been out on the streets with me helping the homeless. She was next to me standing up as the challenger to extremist Andy Biggs in her run for Congress in 2020.
As a business owner for over three decades, Joan has proven her devotion to Arizonans, her trustworthiness to do what’s right, and perhaps most importantly, Joan has shown she will make time for those most in need. Joan is a leader, a strong independent thinker, and a friend to all of us.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Muscato,