MEET THE CANDIDATES: This Thursday, meet Jessica Cisneros on Zoom!

Meet Jessica Cisneros on Zoom -- Thursday, Feb 3, at 7pm ET / 4pm PT!

RSVP here.

Can't make it? Chip in to her campaign for Congress.

Turn on images to see the CNN headline about Cuellar. Turn on images to see Elizabeth Warren with Jessica Cisneros.

Voting begins in 2 weeks in a hot Texas congressional primary that pits a progressive against a corporate Democrat who worked with Joe Manchin to obstruct the Democratic agenda.

YAHOO! News reports that progressive Jessica Cisneros has big momentum following key endorsements and an FBI raid of her incumbent opponent, Rep. Henry Cuellar.

Jessica Cisneros is our next PCCC Meet the Candidates guest as she seeks to unseat conservative, corporate Dem Henry Cuellar in Texas’ very-blue 28th Congressional District.

RSVP here to meet Jessica on Zoom this Thursday, February 3, at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific) just 2 weeks before voting begins!

This event is free, but if you’re inspired by Jessica, chip in $3 to her campaign.

The Daily Beast says: "Texas Primary Will Be Progressives' 2022 'Testing Ground.'" A win in this March 1 primary will build hope, enthusiasm, and momentum for the many progressive primaries to come later.

In 2020, Jessica came within 4 points of defeating conservative incumbent Rep. Henry Cuellar in this safe blue district.

There is good reason to make sure she has the resources to finish the job this time.

It was bad enough that Rep. Henry Cuellar was one of the nine Democrats that fought for corporate interests and watered down the Build Back Better bill last summer. But then, when Senator Joe Manchin finally went on Fox and said he'd vote "No" on passing the bill -- Cuellar supported Manchin!

Build Back Better is far from the only problem Cuellar creates for Democrats. Here’s the Kansas City Star: "Rep. Henry Cuellar is a conservative-leaning Democrat who has unapologetically defended gun rights and the energy industry during his 17 years in Congress…He also was the lone House Democrat to oppose major abortion rights legislation in September."

The Washington Post reports that "Cuellar is the 4th biggest House recipient of oil and gas contributions in the 2022 cycle so far" -- and he receives the most in campaign funds from the private prison system.

In contrast, The Nation writes: "Jessica Cisneros Is the Future of the Democratic Party."

And it is easy to see why. Jessica is the daughter of Mexican immigrants. She is a bold progressive, human rights and immigration attorney. She has a history of fighting for the most vulnerable. And in Congress, Jessica will fight for reproductive rights, workers’ rights, immigrant rights, climate justice, Medicare for All, and lots of other progressive priorities.

Jessica is the anti-Cuellar.

RSVP here to meet Jessica Cisneros on Zoom and ask her YOUR questions on Thursday, February 3, at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific).

This event is free, but if you’re inspired by Jessica, chip in $3 to her campaign.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Rachel Queirolo, PCCC Development Director




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