Web Version:
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This first 2022 issue of the newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications
related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter
@HRBdrugslibrary. [
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For all recent additions see our recently added publications [
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] page.
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Irish-related publications
Empathy, evidence, & experience: learning from overseas to respond to street-based drug injecting in
Dublin City Centre.
McCann, Eugene and Duffin, Tony (2022) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
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The impact of COVID-19 on health care professionals who are exposed to drug-related deaths while
supporting clients experiencing addiction.
O'Callaghan, Daniel and Lambert, Sharon (2022) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Early online.
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The Drug Use in Higher Education in Ireland (DUHEI) survey 2021: main findings.
Byrne, M et al (2022) Cork: University College Cork.
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Quality improvement within a mental health setting: alcohol detoxification.
Doody, E et al (2022) Irish Medical Journal, 115, (1), pp. 516-524.
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Opioid and analgesic utilization in Ireland in 2000 and 2015: A repeated cross-sectional study.
Moriarty, Frank et al (2022) Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 10, (1), e00899
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A systematized review of drug-checking and related considerations for implementation as a harm
reduction intervention.
Giulini, Francesca et al (2022) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, doi: 10.1080/02791072.2022.2028203
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A decade of rising alcoholic liver disease hospital admissions and deaths in Irish hospitals,
2007-2016: a retrospective cross-sectional analysis.
Armstrong, Paul R et al (2022) European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Early online.
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European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: top level findings, 21 EU countries and Switzerland.
(2022) EMCDDA
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Sales of over-the-counter products containing Codeine in 31 countries, 2013-2019: a retrospective
observational study
Richards, Georgia C et al (2022) Drug Safety, Early online.
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Profiling third-level student mental health: findings from My World Survey 2.
Mahon, Ciara et al (2022) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online.
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Opioids in Ireland: are we heading towards a US-style crisis?
Reilly, Catherine (2022) Medical Independent
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Podcast “A prison cell is not where support actually happens” – Ineffective response to ‘war on
Ruane, Lynn (2022) newstalk.com
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Stop smoking. National clinical guideline no. 28.
(2022) Dublin: Department of Health
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Drinking patterns in the pandemic.
Lynch, David (2022) Medical Independent
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Consumer protection messages in alcohol marketing on Twitter in Ireland.
Critchlow, Nathan and Moodie, Crawford (2022) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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SSA interview: Nathan Critchlow talks about alcohol advertising policies.
Critchlow, Nathan (2022) London: Society for the Study of Addiction.
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A response to the Department of Justice open consultation on the review of alcohol licensing.(2022)
Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
(2022) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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“We live within a violent system.” Structural violence against sex workers in Ireland.
(2022) London: Amnesty International
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Surveys of experiences of sexual violence and harassment in higher education: reports and findings.
MacNeela, Padraig et al (2022) Dublin: Higher Education Authority.
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Psychiatric and psycho-social characteristics of suicide completers: a 13-year comprehensive
evaluation of psychiatric case records and post-mortem findings.
McMorrow, C et al (2022) European Psychiatry, Early online.
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Early life adversity and age acceleration at mid-life and older ages indexed using the
next-generation GrimAge and Pace of Aging epigenetic clocks.
McCrory, Cathal et al (2022) Psychoneuroendocrinology, 137. 105643.
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Traveller homelessness in the Southwest.
(2022) The Regional Traveller Accommodation Working Group of Cork & Kerry.
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Grant aid agreement: drug task force. As amended 2021.
(2021) Health Service Executive, Dublin.
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[Webpage] Anabolic steroid misuse
(2021) Health Service Executive
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Medical Bureau of Road Safety annual report 2020.
(2022) Dublin: Medical Bureau of Road Safety
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Better outcomes brighter futures: the national policy framework for children and young people,
2014-2020. Annual report January – December 2020.
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2022) Dublin: Government
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Drugs.ie 2021 summary.
(2021) drugs.ie Feature
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Contraband seized.
Longford: Irish Prison Service.
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Crime prevention and reduction strategy 2021 to 2024.
Garda National Community Engagement Bureau. (2021) Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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International publications
Drug-related infectious disease (DRID): update from the expert network, October 2021.
(2022) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Mapping drug use, interventions and treatment needs in Scottish prisons.
Toomey, Clare et al (2022) Glasgow: The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research.
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WHO European NCD dashboard
(2022) World Health Organization
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Saving lives, spending less: the case for investing in noncommunicable diseases
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization
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Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: Barriers to accessing
social protection faced by people who use drugs
(2021) London: International Drug Policy Consortium
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A peek behind the curtain: exploring coaching styles within the implementation and sustainment
facilitation (ISF) strategy in the substance abuse treatment to HIV care study
Ford, James H et al (2021) Implementation Science Communications, 2, (1), p. 140
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Needle exchange practitioners accounts of delivering harm reduction advice for chemsex: implications
for policy and practice
Smiles, Claire et al (2022) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy
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Scoping project: A peer-based needle exchange service in London
(2022) London: London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C.
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Policy windows for drug consumption rooms in Finland
Unlu, Ali et al (2022) Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs,
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Incidence, mortality and survival in young people with co-occurring mental disorders and substance
use: a retrospective linked routine data study in Wales
Rees, S et al (2022) Dove Press, 14. pp. 21-38. DOI [link removed]
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Community-based social interventions for people with severe mental illness: a systematic review and
narrative synthesis of recent evidence.
Killaspy, Helen et al (2022) World Psychiatry, 21, (1), pp. 96-123. doi: 10.1002/wps.20940
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Latent patterns of polysubstance use among people who use opioids: a systematic review
Karamouzian, Mohammad et al (2022) International Journal of Drug Policy, 102. 103584
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Opioid-specific medication-assisted therapy and its impact on criminal justice and overdose outcomes
Strange, C Clare et al (2022) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18, (1), e1215
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Chronic pain, prescribed opioids and overdose risk: a qualitative exploration of the views of
affected individuals and family members
Parkes, Tessa et al (2022) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy,
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Evaluation of interventions to reduce opioid prescribing for patients discharged from the emergency
department: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Daoust, Raoul et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (1), e2143425
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Disparities by sex and race and ethnicity in death rates due to opioid overdose among adults 55
years or older, 1999 to 2019.
Mason, Maryann et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (1), e2142982
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Take-home Naloxone and the prevention of deaths from heroin overdose: pursuing strong science,
fuller understanding, greater impact
Strang, John (2021) European Addiction Research, Early online. [link removed]
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Drug overdose mortality among people experiencing homelessness, 2003 to 2018
Fine, Danielle R et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (1), e2142676
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Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 1999–2020
Hedegaard, Holly et al (2021) Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics
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Expert panel consensus on management of advanced cancer-related pain in individuals with opioid use
Merlin, Jessica S et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (12), e2139968
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Shifting pathways of stimulant use among individuals with opioid use disorder: a retrospective
analysis of the last thirty years.
Ellis, Matthew S et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. p. 786056. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.786056
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Substance use disorders are deadly
Compton, Wilson M and Han, Beth (2022) The American Journal of Psychiatry, 179, (1), pp. 11-13
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Cannabis associated mental health effects: a review
Kancherla, Neeraj et al (2021) Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences, 13, (Suppl 2), S943-S946
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Cannabis and psychosis: recent epidemiological findings continuing the "causality debate'
Ganesh, Suhas and D'Souza, Deepak Cyril (2022) The American Journal of Psychiatry, 179, (1), pp.
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Substance-induced psychoses: an updated literature review
Fiorentini, Alessio et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12 2270
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Changes in cannabis policy and prevalence of recreational cannabis use among adolescents and young
adults in Europe - an interrupted time-series analysis
Gabri, Alexander Carl et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (1), e0261885
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Clinical management of cannabis withdrawal.
Connor, Jason P et al (2021) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15743
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Unintentional pediatric cannabis exposures after legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada
Myran, Daniel T et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (1), e2142521
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How people living in Canada consume and acquire cannabis: assessing progress in minimizing harms and
establishing a safe supply chain
(2022) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
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Medical cannabis use among older adults in Canada: self-reported data on types and amount used, and
perceived effects
Tumati, Shankar et al (2021) Drugs & Aging, Early online. doi: 10.1007/s40266-021-00913-y
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UK Medical Cannabis registry: an analysis of clinical outcomes of medicinal cannabis therapy for
chronic pain conditions
Harris, Michael et al (2021) Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, Early online. doi:
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Regulating right, repairing wrongs: exploring equity and social justice initiatives within UK
cannabis reform
Garius, Laura and Ali, Amal (2022) London: Release.
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Distilling the curriculum: an analysis of alcohol industry-funded school-based youth education
van Schalkwyk, May C I et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (1), e0259560
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Alcohol industry submissions to the WHO 2020 Consultation on the development of an alcohol action
plan: a content and thematic analysis
Dwyer, Robyn et al (2022) Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education
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An objective assessment of children's exposure to brand marketing in New Zealand (Kids'Cam): a
cross-sectional study
Watkins, Leah et al (2022) The Lancet Planetary Health, Early online.
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Effects of exercise in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: a three-armed
randomized controlled trial (FitForChange)
Gunillasdotter, Victoria et al (2022) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 232. 109266.
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Treatment effectiveness for male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic
alcohol use
Siria, Sandra et al (2022) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 232. 109301
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Does insomnia mediate the link between childhood trauma and impaired control over drinking, alcohol
use, and related problems?
Noudali, Sean N et al (2022) Addictive Behaviors Reports, 15. 100402
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The COVID-19 alcohol paradox: British household purchases during 2020 compared with 2015-2019
Anderson, Peter et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (1), e0261609
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The impact of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular health: myths and measures
World Heart Federation (2022) Geneva: World Heart Federation
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A ‘proper night out’: a practice theory exploration of gendered drinking
Hennell, Kath et al (2022) Sociological Research Online, [link removed]
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Digging deeper into alcohol-related deaths
The Editor (2022) The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 7, (2), p. 107.
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Adjunctive ketamine with relapse prevention-based psychological therapy in the treatment of alcohol
use disorder
Grabski, Meryem et al (2022) The American Journal of Psychiatry, appiajp202121030277
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Severity of anabolic steroid dependence, executive function, and personality traits in substance use
disorder patients in Norway.
Scarth, Morgan et al (2022) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 231. 109275
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Including the multiply excluded: a mixed methods study exploring intragroup stigma towards people
who use synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists
Adley, Mark et al (2022) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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Ketamine for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders: comprehensive systematic
Walsh, Zach et al (2021) BJPsych Open, 8, (1). [link removed]
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NPS discovery: year in review 2021
Krotulski, Alex J et al (2021) United States: Center for Forensic Science Research and Education
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The impact of COVID-19 on addiction treatment in New Zealand.
Rodda, Simone N et al (2021) Addictive Behaviors, 127. 107230.
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Alcohol and drug use among clients receiving internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for
anxiety and depression in a routine care clinic - demographics, use patterns, and prediction of
treatment completion and outcomes
Sundström, Christopher et al (2022) Internet Interventions, 27. 100490. doi:
[link removed]
What's in a name? A data-driven method to identify optimal psychotherapy classifications to advance
treatment research on co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders
Hien, Denise A et al (2022) European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13, (1), 2001191
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Common features in compulsive sexual behavior, substance use disorders, personality, temperament,
and attachment - a narrative review
Efrati, Yaniv et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
(1), 296
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Making the criminal justice system work better: how to improve out-of-court disposals and diversion
Danny et al (2022) London: Crest Advisory
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Protecting lives: a cross-system approach to addressing alcohol and drug-related deaths within the
criminal justice system.
(2022) London: IADPC and RCGP
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Making funding work for people facing multiple disadvantage
(2022) London: Making Every Adult Matter
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Commentary on Tanner-Smith et al.: complexity matters-why we need to move beyond 'what works' when
evaluating substance use interventions
O'Donnell, Amy J (2021) Addiction, doi: 10.1111/add.15762
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Heated tobacco products for smoking cessation and reducing smoking prevalence
Tattan-Birch, Harry et al (2022) The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1. CD013790
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Editorial – Towards a Canadian evidence base to inform action to prevent and control vaping in
O'Loughlin, Jennifer L and Gagné, Thierry (2022) Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in
Canada, 42, (1).
[link removed]
Vaping-associated lung illness (VALI) in Canada: a descriptive analysis of VALI cases reported from
September 2019 to December 2020.
Baker, Melissa M et al (2022) Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 42, (1).
[link removed]
Association of e-cigarette use with discontinuation of cigarette smoking among adult smokers who
were initially never planning to quit
Kasza, Karin A et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (12), e2140880
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Classifying European cigarette consumption trajectories from 1970 to 2015
Poirier, Mathieu Jp et al (2022) Tobacco Control, Early online. doi:
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Secondhand nicotine vaping at home and respiratory symptoms in young adults
Islam, Talat et al (2022) Thorax, doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-217041
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Reporting system of suspected adverse effects from electronic cigarettes and refill liquids in
Solimini, Renata et al (2021) Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 7. 71
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The relationship between addictive eating and dietary intake: a systematic review
Pursey, Kirrilly M et al (2021) Nutrients, 14, (1).
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Provisional crime statistics 2021.
[An Garda Siochana] (28 Jan 2022)
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Almost 290 drug intimidation cases reported in Dublin last year.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (26 Jan 2022)
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Ministers for Health establish the Public Health Reform Expert Advisory Group.
[Department of Health] (25 Jan 2022)
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EMCDDA launches PLATO e-learning platform and virtual community of practice.
[EMCDDA] (24 Jan 2022)
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Rise in babies born with drug or alcohol addiction during pandemic.
[Independent.ie] O'Regan, Elish (24 Jan 2022)
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Around 1 in 10 motorists admit to taking ‘morning after’ driving risk.
[AA Ireland] Cullen, Anna (21 Jan 2022)
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Weekly ‘low-risk’ alcohol guidelines to be reviewed.
[Medical Independent] Lynch, David (21 Jan 2022)
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Use of ecstasy and cocaine drops during pandemic.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (21 Jan 2022)
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Recall of certain batches of Kama Hemp Kama artisan coffee due to the presence of unsafe levels of
Delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
[Food Safety Authority of Ireland] (20 Jan 2022)
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Report to show 'substantial' rise in cocaine use in colleges.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (20 Jan 2022)
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Opinion: Supervised drug injecting in Ireland – 10 years of advocacy, legislation and delays.
[thejournal.ie] Duffin, Tony and McCann, Eugene (20 Jan 2022)
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Web gambling companies allow credit card betting through apps despite industry rules.
[Irish Independent] Weckler, Adrian (20 Jan 2022)
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'War on drugs’ not an effective response to usage, minister to tell committee.
[thejournal.ie] Dwyer, Orla (19 Jan 2022)
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Unions and top gardaí in talks on drug tests for officers.
[Independent.ie] Bracken, Ali (16 Jan 2022)
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Increase in drug and phone seizures in prisons.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (15 Jan 2022)
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Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces €850,000 for HSE-led
initiative to reduce the health-related harms from cocaine and ‘crack’ cocaine
[Department of Health] (14 Jan 2022)
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An Garda Síochána’s Christmas and New Year road safety campaign 2021.
[Road Safety Authority] (14 Jan 2022)
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Drug trends under scrutiny after third seizure of new synthetic stimulant.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (12 Jan 2022)
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Commission proposes stronger mandate for EU Drugs Agency as illicit market proliferates.
[European Commission] (12 Jan 2022)
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More than 650 people struggling with addiction on detox waiting list as Covid-19 continues to impact
[The Irish Sun] Higgins, Adam (11 Jan 2022)
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Delays in youth justice system a ‘barrier to rehabilitation’.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (10 Jan 2022)
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Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy welcomes confirmation Tallaght
projects continue to provide drug services.
[Department of Health] (10 Jan 2022)
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Use of e-cigs among young people 'a real risk'.
[Irish Examiner] Murray, Sean (09 Jan 2022)
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Foetal alcohol syndrome survey is 'first of its kind'.
[Irish Examiner] Murphy, Ann (09 Jan 2022)
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FactCheck: Will Minimum Unit Pricing on alcohol lead to an increase in drug use?
[thejournal.ie] Parkins, Brianna (08 Jan 2022)
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Homelessness & addiction: women need a safe space at Merchant's Quay.
[Hot Press] Brayden, Kate (05 Jan 2022)
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Large numbers of people with drug addictions were 'left to kill themselves slowly' during lockdowns.
[thejournal.ie] Martin, Devin Sean and Grabarczyk, Wiktoria and McCrudden, Kasey Leigh (05 Jan 2022)
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Ministers Donnelly and Feighan welcome introduction of minimum unit pricing of alcohol.
[Department of Health] (04 Jan 2022)
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Introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol products is a historical development in public
health alcohol policy that will save lives.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (03 Jan 2022)
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Growing expectation of Irish citizens’ assembly on drug use this year.
[Irish Examiner] Mcgrath, Dominic (02 Jan 2022)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Coercion of a Minor (Misuse of Drugs Amendment) Bill 2022: First Stage. [
[link removed]
] (26 Jan 2022)
Written answer 173 (Question to Health) [Citizens’ assembly on drugs]. [
[link removed]
] (26 Jan 2022)
Youth mental health: statements. [
[link removed]
] (26 Jan 2022)
Written answer 482 - Alcohol sales [licensing]. [
[link removed]
] (25 Jan 2022)
Written answers 521 & 572 - Health services [NICDATF funding] [
[link removed]
] (25 Jan 2022)
Commencement matters - Departmental Funding. [
[link removed]
] (20 Jan 2022)
Written answer 1561 - Health promotion [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answer 1646 - Cannabis for medicinal use [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answer 1741 - Health services [NICDATF] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answer 1796 - Health services [Transgender services] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answer 1823 - Healthcare policy [Tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1358 & 1749 - Health strategies [Tallaght]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1365, 1381, 1501, 1874, 1875, 1923 - Health strategies [National Oversight
Committee] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1367, 1368, 1369, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1491, 1492, 1493, 1494 - Health strategies
[funding] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1376 & 1495 - Health strategies [Task forces & DRIVE] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1377 & 1496 - Health strategies [National Oversight Committee]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1378 & 1497 - Health strategies [National Oversight Committee]]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1379 & 1499 - Health strategies [Interagency working group]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1380, 1498, 1500 - Health strategies [National Oversight Committee] [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Written answers 1878, 1915, 1916 - Health services staff [Task force]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Update on the national drugs strategy. [
[link removed]
] (19 Jan 2022)
read more
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