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Tuesday, February 1st, 2022


We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

Ron Paul, MD

Kamloops: Greatest Hate Hoax Ever?

Jared Taylor

Another Mandate Was Just Scrapped

Tom Woods

As of Tomorrow, Denmark Admits the Failure of All Covid Control Measures (Including Vaccines)

Alex Berenson

Against Peer Review


Do Electric Cars Pencil Out?

Eric Peters

The Revolt Begins

James Howard Kunstler

Tawny Buettner, RN Observed a >10X Increase in the Rate of Myocarditis After the Vaccines Rolled Out

Steve Kirsch

Let’s Back Up A Sec And Ask Why Free Speech Actually Matters

Caitlin Johnstone

NATO —Strategic Asset or Liability?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Remember When Everyone Knew Pro Wrestling Was Fake And They Finally Admitted It And The Fans Didn’t Care And Continued To Watch Anyway?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nonocracy and The Montgomery Brewster Option

The Good Citizen

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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