From Susan Bysiewicz <[email protected]>
Subject Hi John, I’m asking if you’ll activate your 2022 Digital Membership before January ends
Date February 1, 2022 1:50 AM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
John, we must work together at the local level across Connecticut this year to help Democrats succeed in races big and small.

That’s why the Connecticut Democratic Party needs you to activate your 2022 Digital Membership today! Donating any amount activates your membership and helps mobilize Democratic organizers and volunteers across our state: [[link removed]]

[link removed] [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Governor Lamont and I are up for re-election this November, along with Senator Blumenthal and more than 100 Connecticut legislators.

We’ll be depending on the CT Democratic Party’s organizing infrastructure to help us get out the vote in this critical election year.

Right now they’re building a comprehensive plan to mobilize all of the incredible volunteers and organizers we have to help Democrats succeed this year — donate any amount now to activate your 2022 Digital Membership to invest in Democratic victories! [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Thank you for your support,

Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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