Dear PFAW Member, Stunning news came out yesterday, as the disgraced former president openly admitted (in writing, no less) that he wanted then-Vice President Mike Pence to “overturn the election.” This news serves to underscore the importance of accountability – at ALL levels – for the seditious conspiracy of January 6 ... as well as the tenuous grasp we currently have on the essential investigative body that is looking into the events of that tragic day, the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack. If Republicans regain control of the House this fall – and they only need a net gain of six seats to do so – there’s virtually NO chance that the Select Committee’s work continues. In fact, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich seems to think that members of the Committee should face jail time simply for doing their jobs. One of People For’s primary goals this year is to protect and expand Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate – but as a grassroots-funded organization, we can’t do that without your financial support. So today we’re asking you to step up and renew your support for 2022 with the most generous election year donation you can afford.
The Select Committee’s work is proceeding apace, and producing some important results – such as the serious charges recently brought against 11 “Oath Keepers” leaders, as well as the criminal referrals for Contempt of Congress filed for higher-level coup plotters such as Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows. The wheels of justice are turning – and this process simply must continue if we’re to save our democracy from the threat of lawless authoritarianism. People For is fighting to help secure full accountability for the January 6 plotters, and ensure that a Democratic majority continues in the House next year. But as of right now, we’re still about 102 donations behind where we need to be for January in order to execute our ambitious campaign plans for this critical election year. We thank you in advance for your support and for stepping up to protect freedom, equality, opportunity, and justice for all – the American Way. Sincerely, – Will Easton, People For's Digital Team