281 days.

That is how many days we have left before Election Day this November.

281 days seems like a lot, but Republicans in Congress are using each and every one of those days to raise oodles of cash for their efforts to take over the House.

Just about a week ago, Kevin McCarthy raised $9.5 million at just one fundraiser:

Politico headline: McCarthy raises $9.5 million at major Washington fundraiser

Lucky for us, we already have a tried and true gameplan to beat Kevin McCarthy and his allies once again: build a broad, diverse coalition, and organize in every neighborhood. Donate $19 now to help us win with our biggest grassroots coalition ever.

You know how I know that we will win if we stick to this plan? Because every time Democrats do it, we win and we win big. Bringing in new, young voters is how we took back the House in 2018, and it is how Joe Biden won in 2020. And it is how we can win a majority in the House for a third election in a row.

Each fundraising deadline is a chance to show our strength. And each day is a chance to prove our commitment to our cause.

I am counting on your support. Chip in $19 today to join us!


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