Arise Update

In This Issue...

January 31, 2022


Robyn Hyden, a woman with long brown hair talks to the camera

Arise legislative recap: January 31, 2022

Meet Rebecca Howard, Arise's new policy and advocacy director! Rebecca introduces herself to our members before discussing the latest news on ARPA funding in Alabama and our thoughts on the recent federal court decision on the state's congressional maps.

Register for Arise's 2022 Legislative Day!

Make plans now to speak up for a better Alabama by participating in Arise's 2022 Legislative Day on Tuesday, Feb. 15, from 10 a.m. to noon. The event will be held on Zoom, so you can join us virtually from wherever you are. Due to ongoing concerns about the community spread of COVID-19, we have canceled our in-person event, but we are planning a rally later in March to support efforts to untax groceries, so stay tuned. Click the button below to register for Legislative Day!


Alabama Political Reporter: Poll: Alabamians support use of ARPA funds for rural hospitals, mental health care

Arise released a poll last week showing that Alabamians overwhelmingly support using ARPA funds for health care, child care, affordable housing and public transportation. "We must seize this opportunity to build a healthier future for Alabama," Arise executive director Robyn Hyden said.

Further Reading:

Alabama Arise: New poll: Alabamians strongly support use of ARPA funds to protect rural hospitals, increase mental health services

Capitol Journal: January 24, 2022 (Interview with Robyn Hyden starts at 14:20 mark)

Associated Press: Lawmakers advance spending plan for pandemic funds

Last week's special session was all about allocating ARPA funds. Arise's Robyn Hyden urged Alabama lawmakers to use the funds to provide direct aid to marginalized individuals and communities. 

Alabama Arise: Eliminating state grocery tax would make life better for Alabama families

Alabama is drawing closer to eliminating its burdensome grocery tax. Two bills in the 2022 regular session – SB 43 by Sen. Andrew Jones, R-Centre, and HB 173 by Rep. Mike Holmes, R-Wetumpka – would end the state grocery tax while protecting school funding. Our new fact sheet explores how these proposals to untax groceries would reduce hunger and cut taxes for the vast majority of Alabamians.

Further Reading:

Alabama Arise: Fact Sheets Is anti-camping ordinance aimed at Mobile’s homeless? Council set to debate

Arise policy analyst Dev Wakeley spoke against a proposed new ordinance in Mobile that would harm people experiencing homelessness instead of making emergency housing and rental assistance more available. "You can do things to reduce homelessness that don't involve punishing people," he told


Alabama Arise: LIVE BLOG: Alabama’s 2022 legislative session

Stay up to date with the 2022 legislative session. Our website has a live feed of Alabama Arise’s Twitter account, which will display information related to our 2022 issue priorities as well the latest news from our staff and members of the media.


Bills we're watching

  • HB 2 by Rep. Allen Treadaway, R-Morris, is an anti-protest bill that could have a chilling effect on Alabamians' First Amendment rights. The bill would create minimum holding periods for people accused of the crimes of rioting or interfering with traffic. HB 2 will be considered in a public hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Arise opposes HB 2.
  • HB 52 by Rep. Jim Hill, R-Odenville, would allow judges to use discretion in the length of sentence if probation is revoked. HB 52 will be considered in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Arise supports HB 52.
  • HB 57 by Rep. Chris England, D-Tuscaloosa, would create a Criminal Justice Policy Development Council. HB 57 will be considered in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Arise supports HB 57.
  • A forthcoming bill by Sen. Del Marsh, R-Anniston, will be introduced on Tuesday and will be considered in the Senate Education Policy Committee on Wednesday. The bill would funnel money from public schools into vouchers for private and homeschool K-12 students at an estimated cost of $420 million a year. Arise opposes this bill.
  • SB 117 by Sen. Will Barfoot, R-Pike Road, would end driver’s license suspensions due to unpaid traffic tickets. SB 117 will be considered in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Arise supports SB 117.
  • SB 43 by Sen. Andrew Jones, R-Centre, would eliminate the state sales tax on groceries and replace the revenue by capping the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes. Arise supports SB 43.

The Legislature will return Tuesday to resume the 2022 regular session. Alabama Arise tracks legislation related to our members' interests. You can find our Bills of Interest here.


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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