
Event: Fighting Anti-Semitism – Reversing Anti-Israel Voting at the UN

Jewish Policy Center Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 12 Noon

Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 12 Noon

U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Today’s resurgent anti-Semitism often is the old wine of Jew-hatred in new bottles of anti-Zionism. The defamation of the Jewish state, certified by the Soviet-inspired, Arab League promoted 1975 U.N. General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism, provided a powerful pretext for renewed defamation of the Jewish people.

At the United Nations, countries ought to rally to Israel’s side as a democratic, peace-loving, modern state. But for short-sighted “reasons of state,” and sometimes simply due to ignorance or inertia, they habitually join what we call the anti-Israel caucus.

Our November 21 event is meant to update members of Congress and staffers about anti-Israel, ultimately anti-Jewish, U.N. votes and to enlist their help in changing the pattern. We very much hope you will be able to join us.






Invited speaker:

Mr. Elan Carr, Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism, U.S. Department of State

Confirmed speakers:

Nicholas Rostow, Senior Research Scholar in Law, Yale Law School

Ambassador Richard Schifter, Former United States Representative to the United Nations (UN) and Chairman of the Board of the American Jewish International Relations Institute (AJIRI).

Dietary laws observed.

You will receive the room number upon RSVP. 


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