From Ned Lamont <[email protected]>
Subject Inviting you to activate your 2022 Digital Membership
Date January 31, 2022 9:47 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
John, while Democrats have been busy getting things done, Republican attacks on voting rights and women’s rights have amplified across the country.

That’s why the Connecticut Democratic Party needs you to activate your 2022 Digital Membership this month to help them support Democrats up and down the ballot as we prepare for November’s election. Donate now to activate your membership! [[link removed]]

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ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

I’m so proud of what we have been able to achieve here in Connecticut working with our Democratic House and Senate majorities, and this year I’ll be counting on Democrats across the state to help us continue this progress.

The Connecticut Democratic Party worked tirelessly in 2020 and 2021 to mobilize Democrats, and your support will help them build a comprehensive voter outreach program ahead of November’s elections.

John, will you donate now to activate your 2022 Digital Membership with the CT Democratic Party? Any amount activates your membership and helps ensure every Democratic candidate in our state has the support they need this year. [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Thanks for supporting Connecticut Democrats!

— Governor Ned Lamont
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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