MLK Day of Service - A Day On, Not a Day Off

The 2022 MLK Day of Service, organized by Volunteer Arlington, was a wonderful outpouring of community support and volunteerism. AHC participated in several different ways. We are grateful to be part of such a generous community.

Our activities included a partnership with the Arlington Rotary Club to create snuggly blankets for youth. Thanks to lots of individuals and groups such as the Lutheran College Washington Semester, Wakefield High Interact Club, and teens in the Impel Your Life program (pictured above), 290 blankets were distributed to AHC and Bridges to Independence youth.

We also appreciate the 65 individuals and groups who made more than 1,635 "study" snack bags for AHC teens. The bags include 3 healthy snacks and are decorated with fun messages and drawings.

As part of the days' "Listen and Learn" series, AHC's Volunteer Coordinator, Laura Jackson, joined the Alliance for Housing Solutions and APAH to discuss current issues in affordable housing. Watch here.

Thanks to all who celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy by making the holiday a day of service!