From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Condemning Amnesty International's latest effort to demonize Israel
Date January 31, 2022 9:04 PM
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Dear John,

We want to ensure you are aware of an upcoming report from Amnesty International UK about Israel. We have reviewed the report and strongly condemn it as an effort to demonize Israel and undermine its legitimacy as a Jewish and democratic state. In an environment of rising anti-Jewish hate, this type of report is not only inaccurate but also irresponsible as it can lead to an emboldening of antisemitism around the world.

This report goes beyond criticizing Israeli policies and actions and paints Israel&rsquo;s very creation as illegitimate and immoral. Amnesty International&rsquo;s allegations that Israel&rsquo;s crimes go back to
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its creation in 1948 present the Jewish and democratic state as singularly illegitimate at its foundational roots. Such a hateful characterization not only delegitimizes the Jewish right to self-determination in its historic homeland, but also undermines the vision of a mutually negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that will provide security, dignity and self-determination to both peoples.

In addition, by using extreme language to attack Israel &mdash; including calling it an
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apartheid state, accusing it of
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ethnic cleansing and of committing war crimes &mdash; the report feeds into an environment that emboldens those who seek to dismantle Israel, and casts aspersions on those who support a Jewish and democratic state, including the vast majority of Jews around the world and creates fertile ground for a hostile and at times antisemitic discourse. In an age of expanding antisemitism, this cost simply cannot be ignored.

ADL strongly disagrees with many condemnatory conclusions made in the report regarding Israeli policies and actions, particularly in its lack of context and regarding the inaccurate characterizations of Israel&rsquo;s treatment of its Arab citizens. Finally, we reject altogether the report&rsquo;s call for a right of return of all Palestinian refugees, which would mean in effect, the end of Israel&rsquo;s existence as a Jewish state.

ADL believes human rights organizations play an important role in civil society. Israel&rsquo;s actions, like those of every country, should be subject to scrutiny and criticism, and indeed, ADL itself has called out certain Israeli policies.

However, in issuing this report, Amnesty International UK is clearly not seeking to constructively inform or even challenge Israeli policies. The report instead adds to the false and malicious drumbeat that depicts the Jewish state as uniquely and fundamentally malign, a hateful, biased characterization that must be rejected. Amnesty International&rsquo;s rhetoric is irresponsible. These are not simply abstract words but the kind of spurious charges that, time and again, have placed Jews in danger around the world.

Thank you for continuing the Good Fight against antisemitism and hate alongside ADL.

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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